Sanity Restorative

During a polite but wide disagreement with a reader, he referred to a painting by Picasso which he called ‘solid work’. Trustingly, and giving him the benefit of the doubt, I looked at the picture, and suffered the fate of many unhappy scholarly characters in an H.P. Lovecraft novel upon beholding an eldritch horror, but without the glamor or strangeness or sense of the unearthly which beholding non-euclidean shapes of a cruel cephalopod or malign mollusc might impart. It was merely banal ugliness, as one might see scrawled in poop by a lunatic on the walls of Bedlam by an inmate after his weekly beating by surly and uncaring guards.

To force the echo of the ghastly imagine from my brain, I am posting some girly pictures. This is because girls are pretty, and can restore, in Call of Cthulhu terms, 1d6 of lost SAN points.

I would particularly like the readers to note that these are done in a variety of styles, and meant some for refined artistic tastes and some for lowbrow cheesecake, with every gradation between high art and low comic inbetween. But notice what is present in all, even the humblest: they are sincere attempts to portray an attractive sight.

There is nothing distorted, warped, vile, childish, crude, abhorrent or aberrant about any of them.  The thing, the only thing, present in the art of Picasso and the other moderns, pure, jarring, insolent, stomach-wrenching ugliness is what is missing.

Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 1828-1882 Proserpina 1877


Tombr  A Miranda




Superman-Unbound_02_SupergirlCopter_thumb_uju8iw7u6a_  cgfa_bouguereau3





 I would have willingly depopulated all Barsoom could I have reached the side of my Dejah Thoris in no other way


Supergirl 06 lesbia

Princess Koriand'r in her Formal Battle-Lingerie




 Oh Yeah, that is A LOT more respectful of Womanhood



The Birth of Venus by  William Bouguereau

The Birth of Venus by William BouguereauMuch More Realistic and Respectful Modern Cheesecake


Frolicking in Pagan Arcadia! (Is there a downside to this?)
Hylas and the Nymphs


Godward-8 friday  nausicaalarge1   Baroness red_sonja 88Fantastic Story, Summer 1951   img-dcuo_catwoman2 FLASH_GORDON_ZEITGEIST_2

He Volunteered for the Submarine Service by Jon Whitcomb

He Volunteered for the Submarine Service by Jon Whitcomb

Amelia Windrose 10

lf_-_copy_4-scaled1000    ÿ—w¤  amaz_4911 planet_stories_195203      Storm__Jean_Grey_by_Adam_Hughes    90 2 2 (3)

Redheaded Amazonian Ax Babe of Mars

Redheaded Amazonian Ax Babe of Mars


Finally, a personal favorite of mine:Titans-of-Chaos-art-Lg