I will be away from Our Master, Skynet, for a week of vacation, to to amuse and divert my devoted reader, allow me to present these gems from the unfairly overlooked pulp roots of our beloved genre.
This is episode two, which features a lot of thugs, toughs, and neerdowells grabbing dames. Perhaps we will see dames with guns in a later episode valiantly defending themselves.

97DE SOTO (American, 1904-1987). New Detective, pulp cover, January 1948


97 hollywood_detective_pulp_cover_december_1942-scaled1000

94 Kidnap_King_of_the_Berlin_Wall_For_Men_Only_pulp_cover_July_1965
John C. Wright is a practicing philosopher, a retired attorney, newspaperman, and newspaper editor, and a published author of science fiction. Once a Houyhnhnm, he was expelled from the august ranks of purely rational beings when he fell in love; but retains an honorary title.
August 16, 2014 @ 12:00 pm