Blue Devils Embrace Dhimmi
Please note the following news stories, particularly the last one. All are recent. I am curious as to what deduction you, dear reader, deems should be drawn.
Below, I will tell you my deduction, which is think is unsurprising, even obvious.
This story is from December 20th, 2014:
Pentagon returns four Guantanamo detainees to Afghanistan
The Pentagon said Saturday it has released four Afghan detainees at the Guantanamo Bay detention center to their home country, President Obama’s most recent effort to reduce the detainee population toward his goal of closing the facility.More here
This story is from December 31st, 2014:
Obama releases five more Gitmo prisoners
President Obama released five more prisoners from Guantanamo Bay Naval Base overnight, Fox News reported. They were held for more than a decade and were sent to resettle in Kazakhstan. More here
This from January 6th, 2015:
Obama poised to free two more Gitmo inmates
President Obama is due to release two more Guantanamo Bay inmates in the coming days, Fox News reported early Tuesday. More here
This story is from January 8th, 2015:
Evangelical Teacher Fired for Giving Bible to Student
A New Jersey school district broke the law when it fired a substitute teacher after he gave a curious middle school student a Bible for academic purposes, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ruled in a mid-December decision released to the public this week.
…Swiftly upon learning about Tutka’s gesture, the school district claimed that Tutka had violated school policy and placed him under disciplinary action. The school’s policy states that a teacher may not distribute religious materials on school property and also that teachers should avoid using religious speech in any way. More here
This story is from January 14th, 2015;
Al Qaeda in Yemen commander claims responsibility for Charlie Hebdo attack
Al Qaeda’s affiliate in Yemen has released a video claiming responsibility for last week’s deadly attack by two gunmen on the offices of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris.
Nasr al-Ansi, a top commander of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP as the branch is known, appeared in an 11-minute Internet video posted Wednesday, saying that the massacre was in “vengeance for the prophet.”
This story is from January 14th, 2015:
Obama’s absence from Charlie Hebdo rally
On Sunday, what many estimated to be the largest crowd to appear in the streets of Paris since the city was liberated from the Nazis in 1945 brought some estimated 1.6 million people into the streets in a show of unity in the wake of the attack on the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and a kosher supermarket. Along with them were some 40 world leaders, including leaders from most of the nations of Western Europe, several African nations with ties to France, as well as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. The United States, meanwhile, was represented by our ambassador to France, and that led many to wonder why the US had not sent a higher-ranking representative to the march, especially given the fact that Attorney General Eric Holder was already in Paris for security meetings and neither President Obama nor Vice-President Biden had anything on their schedules this weekend.
This story is from January 14th, 2015:
Top publisher bans mentions of pork or pigs in schoolbooks ‘so as not to offend Muslims or Jews‘
My comment: because we all know the Jews will saw your head off with a knife on video if you offend them.
This story is from January 15th, 2015:
5 Guantanamo Prisoners Released
Five men from Yemen were freed from the U.S. Navy base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, after more than a dozen years of captivity and sent to Estonia and Oman for resettlement, U.S. officials said Wednesday, the latest in a wave of releases that have alarmed congressional opponents of closing the detention center. More here
This story is from January 15th, 2015:
Terrorist plotted attack on US Capitol
When Christopher Lee Cornell, 20 years old and also known as Raheel Mahrus Ubaydah, went to the Point Blank Range & Gun Shop near Cincinnati, his plan was to buy two M-15 semi-automatic assault rifles and 600 rounds of ammunition. Then he intended to travel to Washington, set off pipe bombs at the Capitol, and then shoot people fleeing the building.
Gun store employees had been instructed by FBI agents to sell Mr. Cornell the guns and ammo. The young man, who paid $1,900 in cash, was described by employees as shy but talkative. As soon as Cornell walked to the parking lot, agents tackled and arrested him. Included as part of the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) making the arrest were state and local law enforcement agencies as well as US Immigrations and Customs Enforcement and the US Secret Service.
And this story is also from January 15th, 2015:
Muslim Call to Prayer to be Chanted Every Friday at Duke University
Duke University will broadcast the Muslim call to prayer every Friday on campus. The call to prayer—also known as “adhan”—will be chanted by the Duke Muslim Student Association.
The prayer itself is set to start this Friday at 1:00 p.m. and will be broadcast and amplified from the Chapel bell tower on campus.
And this final story is also from January 15th, 2015:
Duke University Announces New Diversity Initiative
In a related story, Duke University announced that at all sporting events hereafter, in a new initiative to promote religious pluralism, the cheer squad will appear in wearing the burkha. Also, the name ‘Blue Devils’ is an insult to the Prophet, peace be upon him, and will be banned, and anyone using the name or displaying the team logo will be beheaded.
Just kidding. I totally made up that last part.
My comment: I have been assured that the Left has no particular sympathy for Jihad, is not cheering for Jihad, is not supporting Jihad, but that anyone who dares thinks that the Left favors Jihad is a pathetic idiot, a fool, a nauseating loon.
The conclusion I think obvious is that the Left is eager for dhimmitude. They would rather be slaves in Hell than princes in Heaven.