This is why I like Mr May

Writing as ‘Fail Burton’ Mr May leaves this comment over on the Breitbart website:

Back in the real world, Ann Leckie’s supposedly great SF novel got whipped at Goodreads by The Martian 30,000 to 3,000. That’s what happens outside their racist blogs and Twitter feeds and echo chambers. By that standard, The Martian is then the greatest SF novel of all time times 10 since Leckie’s swept almost every award for the first time in SFF history. The Martian never had to stand in front of a Central Committee and be judged as white or male.

Amen, and preach the good news, brother!

Meanwhile, in other news, the Social Justice Lunatics are frothing and hallucinating in typical fashion in the comments section of the same article. I suggest any reader with a strong stomach and time to kill heat up a bag of popcorn in the futuristic microwave-radition ovens we have here in the future, and read some of the antics. See here: