Two More
A bawdlerized quote:
They call themselves the “Sad Puppies” without, it seems, a shred of Sexual Congressional irony.
My comment: Supposing one were a Man from Mars, let us say named Smith, dropped down to earth with no knowledge of the issues and history, would you notice a difference between the approach of the one versus the other?
* * *
Actually, we call ourselves the Evil Legion of Evil Authors. This particular ongoing campaign is called Sad Puppies, on the grounds that having what are alleged to be the foremost awards in science fiction controlled by brainmeltingly absurd uber-leftist ideological cliques and granted to mindnumbingly dull novels about body-swapping genderless AIs in space or dinosaur revenge fantasies is one of the foremost causes of puppy-related sadness syndrome.
We wish fewer big eyed puppies to cry warm tears, because we care about the children. Don’t you care about the children, my dear termagant?
You are correct that we have no shred of irony whatsoever. Our spokemammel, Wendel the Manatee, is as sober and serious as a hanging judge. We tolerate no mockery of our iron-faced humorless gravity of speech and demeanor. I will quote Wendel on this point:
Well put, Wendel.
* * *
To establish my credentials as bigot, Raw Story, without speaking to me, quotes Daily Dot, who links to an publication called The Backlot, who quotes a column where I complained about the self censorship of Sci Fi Channel, on the grounds that kowtowing to these mavins of Political Correctness emboldens them and puts those of us unwilling to bow the knee to Political Correctness in a less favorable position to make our living while living and letting live.
The original column, somewhat brusquely, posed two questions: 1) what makes sodomy different from all other sexual perversions? Why is it singled out for special treatment? 2) Why is the distemper of the love involved in sodomy different from the distemper of hatred involved in racism? Why is it immune from all moral reasoning?
I later apologized for the brusqueness, but the apology was flung back in my face, whereupon I realized that it was not the direct way in which I spoke the truth that offended them, but the truth. For that, no man can apologize even if he might.
The Backlot goes on to say that I cannot hide behind Catholic teaching to say that I believe one should love the sinner and hate the sin, because I am a bigot, whereas Catholics are not bigots. Then the Backlot says all Catholics are bigots. Logic is not their strong suit.
Now, contrast this acrobatic backflip of multiple links leading nowhere with how easy it would be to establish something that was true about me.
Anyone wishes to establish, for example, that I am Catholic need only link to any of the hundred of places where I say so, because I boast of it. Anyone wishing to establish that I am a one-eyed one-horned flying purple people eater, on the other hand, has to link through links to links to people talking about me being a purple people eater, without ever actually producing a quote, or a bit of evidence.
Or he could just talk to me, and get a direct quote. How hard is that?
For a journalist, it is not hard at all. For a gossip, impossible.