Another Nail in the Global Warming Coffin
The least new news of the decade:
A former climate modeller for the Government’s Australian Greenhouse Office, with six degrees in applied mathematics, Dr Evans has unpacked the architecture of the basic climate model which underpins all climate science.
He has found that, while the underlying physics of the model is correct, it had been applied incorrectly.
He has fixed two errors and the new corrected model finds the climate’s sensitivity to carbon dioxide (CO2) is much lower than was thought.
It turns out the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has over-estimated future global warming by as much as 10 times, he says.
The model architecture was wrong,” he says. “Carbon dioxide causes only minor warming. The climate is largely driven by factors outside our control.”
While climate scientists have been predicting since the 1990s that changes in temperature would follow changes in carbon dioxide, the records over the past half million years show that not to be the case.
Dr Evans has a theory … the waxing and waning of reflected radiation from the Sun, is the likely cause of global warming.
He predicts global temperatures, which have plateaued, will begin to cool significantly, beginning between 2017 and 2021.
Dr Evans is an expert in Fourier analysis and digital signal processing, with a PhD, and two Masters degrees from Stanford University in electrical engineering, a Bachelor of Engineering (for which he won the University medal), Bachelor of Science, and Masters in Applied Maths from the University of Sydney.
…When it is completed his work will be published as two scientific papers. Both papers are undergoing peer review.
My comment: anyone surprised at news stories like this has not been paying attention for the last eighteen years.
Any attentive observer can tell the difference between the way science is done, and scientists talk, and the way politics is done, and politicians talk. Politicians talk about the wisdom and effectiveness of policy. Scientist talk about measuring factual events and drawing factual deductions: Dr. Evans, on the other hand, talks like a scientist.
When a man with a science degree talks like a politician about a political matter, he is doing political work, and his credentials as a scientist are irrelevant.
The scientific community of this generation is hopelessly corrupted by the political class and the philosophy of politically correctness, which is, in other words, nihilism.
A return to Christianity will not only have other social benefits, the fear of God might return the the minimal honesty to our men needed to perform scientific work.
Pajama Boy cannot do science.