Superluminary, Episode 49 The Battle of the Blue Hypergiant
Superluminary, Episode 49, The Battle of the Blue Hypergiant, is posted on Patreon:
Episode 49 The Battle of the Blue Hypergiant
In this exciting episode, the outnumbered and outmaneuvered livings worlds place hope in one desperate stratagem, but in vain. All light is quenched, disaster strikes, and the Emperor is missing.
Our Story so Far:
Episode 01 Assassin in Everest
In which Aeneas Tell, the youngest member of the Imperial family of mad scientists who rule the solar system with an iron fist, is decapitated by a high-tech vampire.
In which Aeneas is flung in his pajamas onto the surface of planet Pluto.
In which Aeneas breaks into the forbidding and forbidden tower looming above the ices of Pluto, and finds it void of living things, but not uninhabited nor unguarded.
Episode 04 The Technology of Tyranny
In which Aeneas, paralyzed, falls facefirst into the plutonian secret it is death to glimpse: a raging singularity at the engine core of the very antique superspaceship his grandfather once used to conquer to Earth!
Episode 05 The Many Murders of the Mad Emperor
In which the helpless Aeneas delays his death sentence to sate his lonely captor’s curiosity, and his own. Lord Pluto reveals the startling truth of their family’s bloody past. Was the Emperor a savior? Or a maniac?
In which Aeneas, paralyzed and on fire, plunges toward the death-energy powered warp singularity at the base of the dark tower of Lord Pluto, while all the undead unleash a ghastly barrage of negative life energy no earthly life can withstand!
An which Aeneas is blasted by an interplanetary strength particle beam weapon issuing from the Sea of Tranquility on the Moon to his position hiding behind a rapidly melting satellite in a rapidly degenerating orbit.
Episode 08 Mistress of Dreams and Delirium
In which Aeneas spars with his cousin Lady Luna, his savior or captor, trying to discover her motives and role in recent events, while she discovers his. He declines to speak the truth, and is betrayed.
Episode 09 The Battle in the Garden of Worlds
In which Aeneas and the Lords of Creation do battle.
Episode 10 The Madness of Tellus
In which Aeneas is on trial for his life by his cruel and crooked relatives.
Episode 11 The Abomination of Desolation
In which the discovery is made that the Sun is primed to ignite into a nova-explosion.
Episode 12 Defusing the Supernova
In which Aeneas saves mankind and is commanded to destroy himself.
Episode 13 Ripping the Fabric of Reality
In which Aeneas warps experimental asteroid lab in which he is imprisoned across timespace, in a desperate bid to free himself from the control of his three evil uncles.
Episode 14 Strange Fires of Strange Suns
In which Aeneas finds a hideous and ultra-powerful undead civilization occupying megascale structures orbiting Alpha Centauri.
In which Aeneas is forced to engage the warpcore without any navigation or destination, flinging himself and his two stowaways at random through timespace.
Episode 16 The Great Eye of Zeta Herculis
In which Aeneas accidentally wakes one of the of neutron star weapons that long ago obliterated all biological life in the galaxy.
In which the vampire planet must be conquered by three Tellurians before they are detected and obliterated.
Episode 18 The Deadly Light of a Living Star
In which Aeneas battles the undead neutron star called the Great Eye of Rutilicus.
Episode 19 The Surrender of Saturn
In which are revealed the primordial origins of earthly life and cosmic war that the mad Emperor, Lord Tellus, kept hidden from mankind and his family.
Episode 20 The Feast of Vampires
In which Aeneas discovers the meaning of human evolution, and stirs the ancient plutonian foe of all life to rise again.
In the ancient terror of planet Pluto is woken to war by the betrayer in the black ship. Who is the traitor?
In which the world-vampire stirs to life, and a world dies.
Episode 23 Hatred for All Life
In which Aeneas hurls a neutron star into the path of the oncoming singularity aimed at Sol. The death toll mounts. The darkness rises.
Episode 24 The Three Headed Throne
In which the Emperor of Man is found.
In which Lady Venus urges the unwilling emperor to assume his rightful throne, while the fate of man hangs in the balance.
Episode 26 The Extinction of Sol
In which the Dark Fleet of the Space Vampires surrounds the Solar System in a globe ships, battleworlds, and dark stars, presaging death.
Episode 27 The Overlord of Unlife
In which the dark Overlord of the Vampire Empire brooding at the core of the galaxy, commands the obliteration of all organic life.
Episode 28 The Unholy Light of Ara A
In which, at the hypergiant star Ara A, submerged war Dyson Spheres open fire on the World Armada of man.
In which the World Armada is subjected to a barrage of nova-strength interplanetary beam weapons, and seeks escape in an unexpected location.
Episode 30 Down A Dragon Throat
In which World Armada dives down the channel of plasma directly into the muzzle of the War Dyson.
In which the World Armada, trapped inside the firing mechanism of the star-killing Dyson, runs into the singularity at the core.
In which Lord Mars battles alone against the countless undead hordes of the Xormxragon Dyson Sphere.
Episode 33 Obliteration of Man
In which alien monstrosities pick among the corpses of all the dead worlds of mankind. Humanity seems extinct.
In which the fate of mankind is revealed.
In which an unexpected enemy strikes at the throne.
In which a duel of warps technical unfolds in a single frozen moment of time.
Episode 37 Uneasy Lies the Head
In which the hatred and ambitions of the Imperial family finally boil over to open strife.
In which the final assault is planned against the myriad invulnerable fortresses of the space vampires at Luminous Blue Variable 1806-20.
Episode 39 Star Pirates of Canopus
In which the giant star Canopus is obliterated.
Episode 40 Line of Battleworlds
In which the Lords of Creation conquer the worlds kidnapped from Canopus in furious battles, one lord or lady subjugating each globe.
Episode 41 Escape to Sagittarius
In which the Lords of Creation, pursued by the Black Fleet, flee to the strangely warped system of 9 Sagittarius, where the laws of nature are hostile.
In which battle is joined with the bizarre unlife of 9 Sagittarius : the continually mutating creatures on ever-melting worlds made of artificially unstable matter.
In which the Lords of Creation pass from battle to battle, hounded by death and disaster.
Episode 44 The World-Wreckers of KW Sagittarii
In which the Lords of Creation are besieged by a flotilla of world-wreckers manning miniature Dyson spheres.
Episode 45 The Archvampires of Space
In which a rash attack by the World Armada at the giant, super-hot star Wolf-Rayet 102 brings calamity.
Episode 46 The Absolute Weapon
In which Lord Mars battles the invisible, timewarp-protected, death-energy-radiating meteor swarms of mountain-sized myriad undead.
Episode 47 Extinction of the X-Ray Star
In which a sun-obliterating space battle erupts at a double star system in the core of the galaxy, not where expected.
Episode 48 Attack at the Master Armature
In which the forces of Man enter the system LBV 1806-20, where the titanic space forces battle-Dysons and war worlds of the undead empire have gathered in strength.