Homosexualism Anathematized
Illinois Bishop Calls Out Gay Lobby
Slaps down criticism by homosexualist Jesuit James Martin
SPRINGFIELD, Il. (ChurchMilitant.com) -Bishop Thomas Paprocki, head of the diocese of Springfield, Illinois, is calling out the gay lobby in the Church.
In a decree dated June 12, 2017, and titled, “Decree Regarding Same-sex ‘Marriage’ and Related Pastoral Issues,” Paprocki declared that clergy or representatives of the diocese cannot bless so-called same-sex unions or provide church facilities or objects for events connected to gay weddings. He further asserted that people in same-sex sexual relationships cannot present themselves for Holy Communion, serve any ministerial role in a parish, and if they die unrepentant, they cannot have Catholic funerals.
In his July 9 letter, Paprocki noted, “The fact that there would be such an outcry against this decree is quite astounding and shows how strong the LGBT lobby is both in the secular world, as well as within the church.”
He finishes his letter by affirming, “The truths of the Faith revealed by Our Lord in Scripture and Tradition are not always easy to accept, especially in a world that seeks to make all truth subjective. The fact is that some truths are objective and unalterable.”
My comment: Sometimes it is very nice being a Catholic. It is pleasant to be on the right side of history, assured of victory, and even more pleasant to be on the right side of eternity, secure in the knowledge that the eternal light will outlast the mortal darkness by an infinite magnitude of time.