Trump and Heritage
Analysis completed by Heritage determined that 64 percent of the policy prescriptions were included in Trump’s budget, implemented through regulatory guidance, or under consideration for action in accordance with The Heritage Foundation’s original proposals.
(This) includes …. approximately 334 unique policy recommendations.
My comment: Dear Nevertrumpers. We do not need to hear any more from you.
None of your McCain, Romney, Bush sellouts, compromisers, collaborators or weak sisters has done jack for the cause of conservativism in all my lifetime, except, perhaps, to make it a cussword among the younger generation, something one calls a feckless coward and hypocrite.
So get out and stir up voting for this man. You do not need to admit aloud you were wrong. We all know.
Dear Democrats, the time for visiting psychiatrists is past. You are not insane. It is worse now. Visit exorcists.