The Iron Triangle by Vince Ellison
In an earlier column, I spoke of the Matrix-style 360 degree holodeck illusion projected by the Morlock Left around the minds of their Eloi victims. Everyone fooled by the Left is fooled by every authority they meet, every speech and sermon they hear, from school, church, television, radio, cinema.
With admirable party discipline and dead-eyed robotlike uniformity of goodthink, the propagandists, con men, and Judas goats of the Left, utter the same slogans, buzz words, platitudes, and vaporous jabberwocky in the same way, with the same message.
I predicted that when the illusion is broken, it will be broken rapidly. It will shatter like glass rather than erode like a sea cliff. It will fall like the Soviet Union, over days, not like the Roman Empire, over centuries.
I also predict Hell to pay.
For, lo, these many years, women and blacks and other minorities, real or imagined, have been used as livestock for Morlocks. Any Eloi who wakes from the enchanted sleep, will blink, and see how horribly and how deliberately were their lives ruined, fortunes wasted, children slain, boys emasculated, culture putrefied, tongues vulgarized and brains crippled by these unrelenting, unrepentant evildoers. The anger will be of Biblical magnitude.
The first raindrop is not always a storm, but all storms are heralded from the first raindrop.
Please note this political tract written by Vince Ellison. It was published, oddly enough, on my birthday of this year.
The Iron Triangle
Inside the Liberal Democrat Plan to Use Race to Divide Christians and America in their Quest for Power and How We Can Defeat Them
I heard Vince Ellison speaking on the radio, but I did not know he wrote a book.
His rhetoric is forceful and direct, and I frankly find it delightful. He is the only speaker, aside from myself, I can recall willing to denounce the Dems as Antichristian.
Here is his description of his book. I have not read it, and this is not a book review nor recommendation. There mere fact that the book exists at all is an even of cultural significance, a sign that the Cross of Christ does not slumber in America.
To save America and the world, Conservatives must first answer this one very important question: Why do the vast majority of Christian African Americans vote for the Atheist/Anti-Christian, Liberal Democrat Party?
This book answers that question. Why is this important? The answering of this question and the implementation of the suggested remedies will greatly improve America’s chances of ushering in an enlightened era of freedom and prosperity, while critically damaging its primary source of evil: The Democrat Party. This evil party could not survive without 90% of Christian African American vote.
Conservatives wonder: Why would African Americans forsake their children, spouses, communities, lives, freedom and GOD for the Democrat Party? Presently, Democrats control every Black ghetto, every failing Black school, every drug corner and every prison in America. Amazingly, the majority of African Americans love them for it. Why? This book explains it.
This book argues that falsely accused White Christian conservatives have nothing more for which to apologize. Despite slanderous accusations of racism and hatred, this book reassures Conservatives, and encourages them to press forward. The real oppressors are now unmasked. To control African Americans during and after the Civil Rights Movement, White Democrats organized and formed an unholy alliance with most Black preachers, Black civic organizers and Black politicians. I call this trifecta the “Iron Triangle.” It has worked perfectly.
This book exposes the greatest continuous betrayal in history: The betrayal of America in general, and of Black America in particular by the Democrat Party and the Iron Triangle. It utilizes lessons and anecdotes from my life experiences in the Jim Crow South, in the Black church, as a correctional officer, leading civic organizations, and involvement in politics to illustrate these facts. It traces the origins and explains the rationale behind the Black community’s fatal attraction to the oldest and most prolifically evil organization in history. It further explains how liberals have used this deadly infatuation to take over the Democrat Party and America.
This book explains why undermining Christianity and inciting racial discord between Black and White Christians is essential to Democrat Party survival. It explains why Democrat Party leadership believes the gospel of Jesus Christ is poisonous, racial reconciliation is catastrophic, and atheism is necessary. This book explains how their plans can be countered. It is a primer, designed to teach Conservatives how to communicate with a Democrat who has been indoctrinated with a lifetime of lies. This book teaches history, psychology, religion, philosophy and truth. So let’s talk to and reason with our brothers and sisters in Christ, and our fellow countrymen. Then, lets dismantle this Iron Triangle and save America.
My comment: It annoys me to live in a culture so shallow and stupid that a man’s victim group identity is the first thing brought to the fore in any discussion. I hope any such discussion about this book will be given short shrift and quick hanging.
Nonetheless, and despite that, since the only weapon in the arsenal of the Left is to level a false accusation against any critic of bigotry, it is always amusing to hear such a critic who happen to be himself of whatever victim identity-group the Left is demeaning into mascot status that season, turn and speak the truth of Christ in a voice like a lion.
The one weapon in the Lefty arsenal is then out of ammo. The Leftists continue to pull the trigger dumbly, blank-faced, and the hammer merely clicks, because they have no second plan, no backup, no other tactic.
This is what makes Kayne West, Candice Owens, and my old boss Milo Yiannopoulos so maddening to the Left. Leftists are shallow and so cannot see any spiritual reality. Leftism is a mental disease that prevents seeing anything deeper than surface features: skin color, sexual genitalia, physical properties.
And so, to them, the idea of a black Christian, a female Christian, or a sexually deviant Christian, is literally unthinkable. To the Left, one who, no matter his past, no matter his sins, who thinks of himself as a Christian and speaks like a Christian, rather than speaking in the buzzword slogans and stereotypes assigned by the Party to his particular skin hue, genitalia, or other surface feature identity group markers, is literally unthinkable.
It is unthinkable because anyone who thinks about the topic cannot be a Leftist. All their elephantine falsehoods, elliptical phrases, double talk, slander words, and desperate attempts to demonize criticism, silence questions, punish nonconformists and change the subject are based on one, small, terrible, invulnerable truth:
Men have souls.
Once one accepts that premise, one must accept the conclusions that follow from it: creatures with souls are not evolved from slime, since spirit, being simple and eternal, cannot be brought into being by matter, which is compound, subject to change and decay, nor brought into being by any blind natural process; therefore, instead, spirit must be created in a divine image, with the faculties of reason and conscience and creativity. Living spirits like man hence are responsible each man for his own action, hence by right are worthy of the fruits each man of his own labor. Since this right comes not from the state, it should not in justice be abrogated by the state, for the right to property is sacrosanct, and, by the same logic, so too are all rights to life and liberty and to the freedom of the conscience.
Nor can a created being overstep the authority created into him by his creator, that is, Man cannot play God; which means he cannot slay innocent children in the womb nor murder the sick and elderly and useless gobblers of bread, nor breed men like dogsbreeders breeding dogs, nor commit suicide oneself, not even the slow suicide of addiction to self-destructive substances and ideas.
If man is created by divinity, it is not in his choice to demean and trample the image of God in himself nor his neighbor: modesty, honesty, humility, patience, prudence and temperance become sacrosanct.
Even such seemingly unrelated matters, such as the low dirt of modern speech, the crass ugliness of modern art, the vainglorious ignorance of modern schooling, become offenses against this divine image seen in man.
The flimsy excuses used by the Left to commit murder and suicide, to ruin art and vulgarize speech, to rob and loot and riot, are all struck at one blow from their wormy and dank fingers, leaving them unarmed, once it is known that men have souls.
If men have souls, what does skin hue matter?
What single policy does the Left as a mass uphold which is not directly contrary to human nature, moral reason, and divine law, if men have souls?