The Big Lie Illustrated Version
Rather than, yet again, writing up a thousand words about the blatant absurdities that surrounded the 2020 Election Fraud, known hereafter as the Big Lie of 2020, let us employ a single picture:
Let me spent a thousand words and half a thousand more on the topic nonetheless.
It is alarming to me how nonchalantly the greater mass of the public seems to be treating this scandal. I believe it is merely because, for better or worse, most unwary people are honest, and so actually and sincerely cannot imagine how dishonest people think.
The unwary cannot imagine that a man who spends his whole life devoted to science, for example, would simply tell known, notorious, open and long-ago exploded lies about scientific matters in the public square, if not for money or reward, merely for the satisfaction of helping the grim idols of the Woke Cult. The unwary think scientists put their duties to scientific honesty first.
The unwary tell jokes about the dishonesty of lawyers and politicians, but, even so, cannot truly imagine how such men can commit treason, and betray every oath of office, and every oath to uphold the law, if not for money or reward, merely for the satisfaction of helping the grim idols of the Woke Cult. The unwary think politics tell little white lies, not lie under oath to Congress to cover up the commission of treason.
The unwary think school teachers felt a sense of duty to their school, to academic ideals, to their students, to those who pay them. They cannot believe a teacher would spent tireless hours for decades to indoctrinate gullible young minds into sexual perversion, godlessness, treachery to family and friends, treason to the nation, and embrace doctrines of hatred, and violence, so that the children are hereafter mentally scarred, unable to reason, and ignorant of obvious and basic facts about life, the world, history, human nature. The unwary might think dishonest teachers give lectures that slant to the Left, not that their children will return from school lobotomized.
The unwary think there is a certain amount of hanky-panky and “casting couch” shenanigans that goes on in Hollywood, and perhaps some recreational drug use. They cannot imagine that dedicated artists, over a course of years and decades, would concoct deadly propaganda meant to manipulate, dishearten, and express hatred, bitter hatred without limit, to heap upon their patrons and customers who cheer for them. It it impossible for the unwary to imagine the ingratitude toward fans who spend billions, or wait hours or days in lines for tickets, being greeted by what amounts to a bucket of urine over the head, rather than honest entertainment, while members of the Pravda press, reviewers and critics, praise the urine as if it were fine wine.
The unwary cannot understand what might drive the curator of a world-renown art museum to put a toilet in his museum, or a crucifix dunked in urine, or an image of the Virgin smeared with elephant dung.
The unwary cannot understand how the office of the states attorney can release a rioter, guilty of arson, assault, robbery, resisting arrest, and a dozen other violent crimes, and set him free without bail, without being charged with a crime, whereas an unarmed nonviolent trespasser can be called an armed insurrectionist, and held in solitary confinement.
The unwary cannot grasp how the news media would and could lie in concert to create widespread ignorance and rancor, smothering the truth with relentless toil.
The unwary cannot grasp the idea of the CIA cooperating with Russia to unseat a duly elected president, nor the idea of the FBI committing crimes to aid and abet those crimes.
The unwary cannot grasp the idea of a court of law turning a blind eye to cases brought before it, refusing to hear them, refusing to say why.
All are doing the exact opposite of what they are sworn to do and paid to do.
The unwary think all these persons surely must put something, some principle, some duty, some contractual obligation, some sentimental attachment, above their devotion to their sick and grisly idols of the gods of Woke.
But the gods of Woke are jealous, and allow no other gods before them. Not morality, not ethics, not faith, not patriotism, not family love, not honesty, not respect for tradition, not respect for fellow men, and not even selfish motives, like love of money or craving for fame.
A teetotaler has no experience of the addictive powers of strong drink, which make some men beat their wives, destroy their lives, lose jobs and lose themselves to find money to spend on the bottle.
Likewise, sane men have no experience of the addictive power of self-loathing projected outward into hatred of all things fine and fair, virtuous and beautiful.
But the unwary do not yet even know who is the foe. They think the Democrat Party is not one and the same with the Confederates of the Old South, the party of Jim Crow, the party cheering for race riots in the 1960s.
The unwary do not recognize the tried and true tactics of Communist subversion which have been used worldwide for a century, and with remarkable success. The unwary think the globalists merely want free trade, or perhaps a peaceful form of world government, rather than fascist plutocracy combined with a worldwide secret police state ruled by brutality, torture, terror.
The unwary do not know why world-famous cathedrals in major cities as well as chapels and churches in the country are being burned, prayer forbidden from schools, flag-saluting from ball games, mothers from mothers’ day.
The unwary think there must be some well-intentioned reason behind portraying science-fictional heroes, like Picard and Luke Skywalker as ninnies and villains, or swapping in minorities to play iconic fictional characters like Superman, James Bond, or Red Sonja, or historical characters like Alexander Hamilton or Anne Boleyn; or why women replace and assume the names of Thor, Hawkeye, Captain Marvel, Hulk, the Ancient One.
The unwary think there is some good and polite reason to use ungrammatical pronoun constructions like “He/She” rather than “He” or to reckon the calendar by the Common Era, C.E., rather than Anno Domini, A.D.
The unwary do not note that putting certain words before other words reverses their meaning: “Social” justice means injustice; “politically correct” means incorrect; “Non traditional” marriage means not a marriage; “cultural appropriation” refers to the imitation of your way by me, which is the mere opposite of the imposition of my ways on you; “My” truth or “Your” truth means untruth.
The unwary do not even believe that there is an international slave trade catering to pedophiles and pederasts among the rich, famous, and powerful. Attempts to establish social institutions to groom an entire generation to tolerate and submit to sodomy is merely overlooked. To object to sexual deviance is hate speech.
The unwary think Democratic Socialism differs from the National Socialism of World War Two, from the Soviet Socialism of the worldwide Cold War, from the socialist Islamic-Supremacism of the Global War on Terror, or from the Maoist Socialism of the next world war whose dark clouds now gather.
And, perhaps, somewhere, there are unwary so unwary that they actually believe the same people, the same pressmen, the same politicians, the same technoligarchs, who lied and lied and lied, month after month and year after year about Russia, Russia, Russia; lied about non-scandals involving Stormy Daniels; and lied about real scandals involving the Biden Crime Family, the Ukraine, and the Red Chinese; and then they lied and lied about Brett Kavanaugh; and who lied about the polling data; lied about Global Warming; lied about the Border Crisis; Taxes; Schools; Cops; Riots; lied about Charlottesville and lied about what the President said about it, and continue to lie to this day; and who lied by omission when they did not report on nor mention the efforts in the Middle East and in Kosovo worthy of worldwide recognition, if not a Nobel Peace Prize … are there any unwary so unwary that the think the liars are telling the truth about the 2020 election?
Perhaps there are many. I suspect their numbers diminish day by day. Once made wary, even the once-unwary can hear the evidence speaking for itself.
Insanity is self-destructive. If good men do nothing, the evil can continue for quite some time, destroying all things around it, while it destroys itself, strangling laughter, vandalizing art, corrupting language and thought, burning cities, looting goods, raping women and murdering men, blaspheming God, and bowing to their grisly idol, laughing shrill and guilty laughs, forever angry.
It cannot go on forever, but much woe can be spread before the downfall of the idol.
Alas, we are paralyzed by indecision, lack of leadership, uncertainty. If all legal options are blockaded, and armed revolt is not yet clearly justified, what is to be done? Organize for the coming storm, of course, but how, and who can one trust?
The rapidest way to gather men able and willing to oppose and topple these idols, ironically, is merely to spread the word.
The Christian, who always seems foolish in the eyes of the world, must wait for the hand of God. The Children of Israel in Egypt needs must wait for Moses, and it was not the slaves in a slave revolt who overthrew the power of Pharaoh, but the Angel of Death.
Likewise, was the birth of Christ awaited, and, even then, it was not the Apostles by taking up arms who overthrew the pagan world, but the Sign in the Heaven seen by Constantine.
Fighting may or may be involved, but faith is always involved.