Not Tired of Winning Yet CLXXXVIII

Trump has apparently disbanded the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention. The website is down.


Buy guns and ammo. Arm yourself, learn gun safety, and spend time at the range, you and your young sons. Hurrah for Guns and Bibles! Defend the nation from the Dems and from the Demons.


On Day 2, the president:

-Restored merit-based hiring at the FAA, ending an insane Obama-era push to put travelers’ lives in the hands of incompetents hired for diversity reasons.

-Ordered the closure of ALL federal DEI offices, with existing employees placed on indefinite leave and special orders to prevent them being protected through reclassification or deceptive wording.

-Ordered the repeal of LBJ’s infamous EO 11246, which mandated affirmative action rather than merit-based hiring in federal employment and contracting.

-Prohibited all use of racial discrimination or DEI at federal contractors and universities receiving taxpayer dollars.

-Ordered federal buildings worldwide to stop flying the Pride flag, which the left had turned into a de facto second national flag around the world.

-Launched the Stargate Project, a collaboration with Silicon Valley aimed at cementing America as the global leader in emerging AI technology.

-Unleashed ICE with full authority to target the criminals Joe Biden allowed to roam freely around this country raping and killing.

-Granted a full pardon to Ross Ulbricht, who was wrongfully given a life sentence by overzealous federal prosecutors.