To George RR Martin: See? It Is Not That Hard
And in another story, Larry Correia dedicated his latest book to George RR Martin with a tongue in cheek quip, and social media headploded on him. He fisks one of the several libels against him here:
The words below are his:
I haven’t done a Fisking in a while! But to be fair I haven’t infuriated the internet this much in several months. My crime? I dedicated the sixth and final book (which comes out February) of my epic fantasy series to George RR Martin.

The original article will be in italics and my responses will be in bold.
Fantasy author taunts Game of Thrones creator George R.R. Martin in his new book
Story by Dan Selcke
• 23h • 3 min read
Yeah, 3 minutes to read, 10 minutes for me to point out all the bullshit in it.
George R.R. Martin is the author of the A Song of Ice and Fire series, which was adapted for TV as Game of Thrones.
Which made George one of the wealthiest and most famous writers in human history, but we’ll get back to that part.
Only the producers behind Game of Thrones had to finish the story before Martin finished the source material; he released the last book in his series, A Dance With Dragons, way back in 2011. Fans have been waiting for the sixth book, The Winds of Winter, for over a decade at this point.
That’s a nice way of saying that babies who were born when the last book came out are now learning to drive.
It continues in like vein. On a personal note, I was alarmed and disappointed to see repeated by the MSM libels and lies about Sad Puppies long since exploded, nonchalantly recited there. Falsehoods never die.
Please read the whole thing here.