Dialog with Trypho and the Myth of Er
Recently in this place began a discussion where was examined by what faculty, if any, man might perceive God, assuming God to be both benevolent in wishing Man to see Him, and omnipotent to accomplish that at which He aimed. One side argued that such a God would provide abundant evidence to the senses of Man so as to quell all honest doubt, and that since no such evidence existed, such a God’s existence, or His providence, was in doubt. The other argument was that God, a spirit, both of necessity (since spirits are invisible) and of His providence (since it is less open to doubt, and more readily available to all men, including the blind and unlettered, than either empirical proofs or formal logic) reveals Himself to those who seek Him directly and not through the medium of the sense impressions.
Without revisiting that argument, I note with amusement that it is an old one. Here, for example, from circa 135 A.D. is Justin Martyr, my namesake, the patron saint of philosophers, discussing the purpose of philosophy, and the conclusion of Plato that the divine nature hidden in man allows men to perceive God directly, though the mind, much at other mental forms are perceived. He is debating an old man, not otherwise named, who (later in the dialog) leads him to doubt the wisdom of the philosophers.
‘What greater work, ‘said I, ‘could one accomplish than this, to show the reason which governs all, and having laid hold of it, and being mounted upon it, to look down on the errors of others, and their pursuits? But without philosophy and right reason, prudence would not be present to any man. Wherefore it is necessary for every man to philosophize, and to esteem this the greatest and most honourable work; but other things only of second-rate or third-rate importance, though, indeed, if they be made to depend on philosophy, they are of moderate value, and worthy of acceptance; but deprived of it, and not accompanying it, they are vulgar and coarse to those who pursue them.’
‘Does philosophy, then, make happiness? ‘ said he, interrupting.
‘Assuredly, ‘ I said, ‘and it alone.’
‘What, then, is philosophy? ‘ he says; ‘and what is happiness? Pray tell me, unless something hinders you from saying.’
‘Philosophy, then, ‘said I, ‘is the knowledge of that which really exists, and a clear perception of the truth; and happiness is the reward of such knowledge and wisdom.’
‘But what do you call God? ‘ said he.
‘That which always maintains the same nature, and in the same manner, and is the cause of all other things-that, indeed, is God.’ So I answered him; and he listened to me with pleasure, and thus again interrogated me:-
‘Is not knowledge a term common to different matters? For in arts of all kinds, he who knows any one of them is called a skilful man in the art of generalship, or of ruling, or of healing equally. But in divine and human affairs it is not so. Is there a knowledge which affords understanding of human and divine things, and then a thorough acquaintance with the divinity and the righteousness of them?’
‘Assuredly, ‘I replied.
‘What, then? Is it in the same way we know man and God, as we know music, and arithmetic, and astronomy, or any other similar branch?’
‘By no means, ‘I replied.
‘You have not answered me correctly, then, ‘he said; ‘for some [branches of knowledge] come to us by learning, or by some employment, while of others we have knowledge by sight. Now, if one were to tell you that there exists in India an animal with a nature unlike all others, but of such and such a kind, multiform and various, you would not know it before you saw it; but neither would you be competent to give any account of it, unless you should hear from one who had seen it.’
‘Certainly not, ‘I said.
‘How then, ‘he said, ‘should the philosophers judge correctly about God, or speak any truth, when they have no knowledge of Him, having neither seen Him at any time, nor heard Him? ‘
‘But, father, ‘said I, ‘the Deity cannot be seen merely by the eyes, as other living beings can, but is discernible to the mind alone, as Plato says; and I believe him.’
My comment: with the same pleasure that one spots an old friend in a crowd in a foreign city, I am bemused to spot this Indian animal alike no others. That Second Century animal is none other than the "China teapot in orbit" of Bertrand Russell, used as an example of those things not seen whose existence the believer, and not the doubter, has the burden of proof to establish.
I should mention that the Old Man in the dialog goes on to question Plato’s conceit:
‘Plato indeed says, ‘replied I, ‘that the mind’s eye is of such a nature, and has been given for this end, that we may see that very Being when the mind is pure itself, who is the cause of all discerned by the mind, having no colour, no form, no greatness-nothing, indeed, which the bodily eye looks upon; but It is something of this sort, he goes on to say, that is beyond all essence, unutterable and inexplicable, but alone honourable and good, coming suddenly into souls well-dispositioned, on account of their affinity to and desire of seeing Him.’
‘What affinity, then, ‘replied he, ‘is there between us and God? Is the soul also divine and immortal, and a part of that very regal mind? And even as that sees God, so also is it attainable by us to conceive of the Deity in our mind, and thence to become happy? ‘
‘Assuredly, ‘I said.
‘And do all the souls of all living beings comprehend Him? ‘he asked; ‘or are the souls of men of one kind and the souls of horses and of asses of another kind? ‘
‘No; but the souls which are in all are similar, ‘I answered.
‘Then, ‘says he, ‘shall both horses and asses see, or have they seen at some time or other, God? ‘
‘No, ‘I said; ‘for the majority of men will not, saving such as shall live justly, purified by righteousness, and by every other virtue.’
‘It is not, therefore, ‘said he, ‘on account of his affinity, that a man sees God, nor because he has a mind, but because he is temperate and righteous? ‘
‘Yes, ‘said I; ‘and because he has that whereby he perceives God.’
‘What then? Do goats or sheep injure any one? ‘
‘No one in any respect, ‘I said.
‘Therefore these animals will see [God] according to your account, ‘says he.
‘No; for their body being of such a nature, is an obstacle to them.’
‘He rejoined, ‘If these animals could assume speech, be well assured that they would with greater reason ridicule our body; but let us now dismiss this subject, and let it be conceded to you as you say. Tell me, however, this: Does the soul see [God] so long as it is in the body, or after it has been removed from it? ‘
‘So long as it is in the form of a man, it is possible for it, ‘I continue, ‘to attain to this by means of the mind; but especially when it has been set free from the body, and being apart by itself, it gets possession of that which it was wont continually and wholly to love.’
‘Does it remember this, then [the sight of God], when it is again in the man? ‘
‘It does not appear to me so, ‘I said.
‘What, then, is the advantage to those who have seen [God]? or what has he who has seen more than he who has not seen, unless he remember this fact, that he has seen? ‘
‘I cannot tell, ‘I answered.
My comment: I have similar reservations, with all due respect to the Hindu and New Agers and others who support it, with the doctrine of reincarnation, or successive reincarnation. Here is the quote from Plato about the Myth of Er, and it leads me to wonder what justice (or even sense) there is in Orpheus living as a swan, Thamyras a nightingale, Ajax a lion or Achilles an eagle.
My comment: Of course, perhaps the amnesia is meant to have a medicinal effect, since Plato quite clearly says their own unforgiving nature leads them to don the lives of beasts. If they cannot forgive, they must drink of the waters of oblivion, and forget. Odysseus is wise enough to seek reincarnation, not as a high-caste Brahmin, but as a humble workingman. The passage has a mystical humility to it.
Let my close by quoting St. Justin Martyr on more time. I will not tell you how closely this passage reflects both my own sentiments, and my own experience. (The ‘Theoretics’) mentioned below are possibly the Cynics of Diogenes.)