Drollery Archive

Review of the Movie We’ve All Been Waiting For

Posted July 18, 2023 By John C Wright

At a reader’s request, scifiwright is honored to reprint this film review from a nearby parallel universe perhaps more fortunate than our own. 


Like many people, when I heard the news that the Disney corporation had purchased the rights to make Star Wars sequels, I feared they might gut the heart of the series, fumble even basic storytelling principles, and insult the viewers with Mary Sue heroines, diversity hire characters, tangled yet aimless  plots, deconstruction and desecration of the original fan-favorite heroes, all topped off with heavy-handed political posturing crammed down the throat of the audience, mangling and mutating the most beloved franchise in movie history into an putrid and unsightly sewer fire.

I am glad to report that I need not have fretted. Two films of the new trilogy are out, and the filmmakers avoided all these pitfalls and pratfalls.

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Conspiracy Theory or Spoiler Alert?

Posted June 29, 2023 By John C Wright

My Comment: this is not the half of it.

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That’s Entertainment

Posted May 31, 2023 By John C Wright

A reader with the brief by megabytesized name of MB remarks:

“Artists wanted to gain social status (be “ennobled” by their art), hence did not want to be seen as similar to low-class people and firmly delimited themselves from the new arts.”

Irony of ironies! I know a man one might think was a true artist — I name no names — who is guided by inspiration toward noblest themes, as master intimate with muses, who pursues art for art’s sake, and his highest ambition is to be a pulp writer, crank out purpose prose at high speed, and write space opera. Somehow high and noble themes keep creeping into his work against his will. For him, the highest word of praise he seeks for his work is “workmanlike” or “serviceable” or “professional.” He is an artiste in the snobbiest sense of the word, and wants to be a craftsman.

Because he thinks snobbery is silly. Looking down one’s nose makes one blind.

I will now link to a song that sums up the proper philosophy of art and entertainment:

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The Antediluvians

Posted May 23, 2023 By John C Wright

I was watching a lecture series on the Book of Genesis, and paid particular attention to the passages normally overlooked, the genealogies, which I suppose Moses included because there was no other reckoning of years between the events of the Fall, the First Murder, the Flood and so on. Without such a reckoning, the story would merely float in the “long-ago dream-time” of myth and legend — the one thing fatal to a historical text.

The lecturer ventured the meaning of the names of the generations of Cain and Adam.

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The Fox News of Beers

Posted May 6, 2023 By John C Wright

Last I heard, Budweiser has not yet convinced irked customers to resume their patronage of their drinking fluid.

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The Villainous Speech

Posted April 18, 2023 By John C Wright

Every good space opera should have an archvillain, larger than life, who makes an high-flown speech praising himself, announcing his plans, justifying his crimes or relishing his impending victory.

Writers penning such speeches need only look into their own hearts for source material, as the writing profession attracts megalomaniacs — an unhealthy sense of self-worth is perhaps an aid to the many shocks of scorn and rejection the profession entails.

In a sober story, such a speech can be unexpectedly poignant, leading to sympathy for an unsympathetic character, or suddenly seeing the self-delusion needed for a villain to see himself as the hero in his own story.

In the stories I prefer, of course, bombast outweighs sobriety. I want to see villains chew the scenery.

Here are two favorites of mine:

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On Jingle Bells

Posted March 23, 2023 By John C Wright

The first day of spring, just as the last snow vanishes from our northern clime, is, of course, the best time to write a column about a Christmas song. Which, as it turns out, is not a Christmas song, not really.

Here are the full and original lyrics, which I never heard before this day and hour, when I overheard my son singing them idly to himself.

I was flabbergasted by the discovery, like finding out people you knew your whole life were robots. I will add a word of explanation below:
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Worst Insurrection Ever

Posted March 14, 2023 By John C Wright

No comment needed. The thing speaks for itself.

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The Space Princess Equation Revisited

Posted November 29, 2022 By John C Wright

This material is taken from several prior columns, combined here into one, for the sake of ease of reading. Enjoy. 

HERE are the factors in the so-called Drake Equation, which proports to prove it is statistically improbable for aliens worlds not to be teaming with life:

N = R × f-p × n-e × f-ℓ × f-i × f-c × L .

R = the average rate of star formation per year in our galaxy
f-p = the fraction of those stars that have planets
n-e = the average number of planets that can potentially support life per star that has planets
f-ℓ = the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop life at some point
f-i = the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop intelligent life
f-c = the fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space
L = the length of time for which such civilizations release detectable signals into space.

And the result, N = is the number of currently active, communicative civilizations in our galaxy.

Unless N = nonsense number.

Study this list with care, and you will see that the Drake ‘equation’ is not good for anything but a good laugh.

The equation is of course nothing of the kind.

It is a laundry list, woefully incomplete, of some of the things Drake idly daydreamed may or may not be necessary for intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations able to release detectable signs in space to exist.

Anyone can make a laundry list of any kind to suit himself.

In fact, let me add additional factors:

n-g = the number of congregations of life forms whose society or civilization requires a form of legal organization we would recognize as a government.
f-m = the fraction of the above governments that are hereditary monarchies.
f-spncss = the fraction of the above monarchs who, due to a recognizably bisexual biology, can and have brought forth daughters.
f-yowsababe! = the fraction of the above daughters who are above average in intelligence, courage and physical good looks by Eurocentric terrestrial standards of beauty, nubile and of mating age, who are either nudists or scantily clad.

We can call this the Space Princess Equation, which defines how likely we are to find an attractive yet nubile Space Princess in space.

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Seasons of Trump

Posted November 17, 2022 By John C Wright

The song stylings of Steven Crowder and Crew for your listening pleasure


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The Trashcan of Time

Posted September 22, 2022 By John C Wright

A thought experiment in time travel:

The lid of the time-door drops a payload atop it one second into the past. The receiver is directly beneath, such that any payload in the receiver blocks the trapdoor and it cannot open.

If the lid is not open, the box is empty, so the lids opens.

If the lid is open, the box is blocked, so the lid cannot open.

What does an observer see?

Assume the timeline splits at the moment of the experiment, so that one experimenter places the payload on the trapdoor, but two experimenters in two parallel continua see two different results. What does each one see?

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Posted July 8, 2022 By John C Wright

I came across this video this morning:

Immediately after, I came across this.
Draw your own conclusion.

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Pelosi Should Repent

Posted July 5, 2022 By John C Wright

Reports say Nancy Pelosi, loyal servant of Antichrist, allegedly Christian, who daily drinks the blood of innocent babies to preserve a hideous mockery of life in her decayed flesh, presented herself for communion while visiting the Vatican, and took the holy wafer in her bloodstained teeth, choking it down despite her vomiting peasoup like Linda Blair.

I cannot vouch for the reliability of such reports.

Many, including myself, wondered why Pope Francis permitted the communion to take place, rather than an exorcism, which would have perhaps been more fitting.

Read this at lifesite.news:

The article says the Holy Father was asked about distributed communion to pro-abortion politicians, he said, “When the Church loses its pastoral nature, when a bishop loses his pastoral nature, it causes a political problem. That’s all I can say.”

Upon reflection, I must admit, this is wise.

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Tucker Carlson at his Best

Posted June 21, 2022 By John C Wright

Tucker Carlson holds forth on a day that has left so many of us emotionally scarred for life, and trembling for our lives, and the lives of our beloved nation.

I am deeply impressed with the ability of any man to mimic wokespeak talking points so precisely without cracking a smile

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Science Fantasy

Posted May 6, 2022 By John C Wright

We all know the difference between fantasy and science fiction. Fantasy has witches and wizards with magic powers, whereas in science fiction the exact same character doing the exact same thing is called a psychic or psionicist.

Fairy tales have monsters and science fiction has space monsters.

Fairy tales have absurd, unbelievable, impossible things like true love, heroic sacrifice, noble knights, holy hermits, and fair damsels chaste and pure, whereas science fiction has believable and realistic science things like time machines, mind reading, parallel worlds and faster than light drive.

When Gandalf the Gray returns from the dead, this is a miracle arranged by the Valar, the angelic powers of the world; but when Spock returns from the dead this is mumble mumble mind meld something something genesis torpedo something.

So far so good. But what of stories that have both?

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