Scepter of Nowhere Archive

Scepter of Nowhere, part 7: My Last Day of Light

Posted July 21, 2021 By John C Wright

Scepter of Nowhere, part 7: My Last Day of Light is now posted.

I aimed at the golden satellite more carefully this time, picking which whorls in the design I thought might be the electromagnetic accelerators. I fired again, and again. The unseen ray sliced neatly through the golden sphere, and the release of energies were causing blue incandescence — maybe this was what fires looked like in zero gravity.


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Scepter of Nowhere, part 6: Wormwood

Posted July 14, 2021 By John C Wright

Scepter of Nowhere, part 6: Wormwood, is now posted.

I was standing on the white diamond roof of a tower above the edge of the stratosphere. In the same way I could, by an act of will, eliminate the sensation of cold, I made it so the near-vacuum did not disturb me. My skin gleamed with some strange, luminous coating.

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Scepter of Nowhere, part 5: The Dancers of Utopia

Posted July 7, 2021 By John C Wright

Scepter of Nowhere, part 5: The Dancers of Utopia, is now posted.

In the center was a vast open space, paved with crystal clear as air. Underfoot was a ballroom on whose roof I stood. Here an endless congregation of nude figures, male and female, all of perfect form and physique, all adorned with crowns and rings and countless winking gems, were dancing in a long and sinuous line.

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Scepter of Nowhere, part 4: The Spiral Tower

Posted June 30, 2021 By John C Wright

Scepter of Nowhere, part 4: The Spiral Tower, is now posted.

It was the work of titans. It was a spiral tower of bronze and black metal, bright as a looking glass, easily half a mile across at its base, twisted like the horn of a unicorn, rising course upon course. Like an aqueduct, there reared arch after black arch, holding gates wide enough that an army eager to storm heaven could have emerged.

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Scepter of Nowhere, part 3: I Could Not Catch Her

Posted June 23, 2021 By John C Wright

Scepter of Nowhere, part 3: I Could Not Catch Her, is now posted.

Fast as I trotted, I somehow could not catch her. She always was just out of reach, and in the blustery wind, just out of earshot.


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Scepter of Nowhere, part 2: I Opened my Eyes with Joy

Posted June 16, 2021 By John C Wright

Scepter of Nowhere, part 2: I Opened my Eyes with Joy, is now posted.

I opened my eyes, overwhelmed with a sense of joy. Eyesight had been restored to me. Light was mine. I was afraid that if I blinked, surely the sight would turn out to be delirium, and unending darkness would return.

Eventually I turned my head. I was lying, naked, in a bright chamber larger than a ballroom.


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Scepter of Nowhere, part 1: It Happened So Quickly

Posted June 9, 2021 By John C Wright
Note that this tale first appeared in Dark Discoveries: Issue 31, ed. James R. Beach (Spring, 2015)

It is reprinted in ALL MEN DREAM OF EARTHWOMEN AND OTHER AEONS, and made available here in preview, as a courtesy to my readers.

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Scepter of Nowhere, part 1: It Happened So Quickly, is now posted.

It happened so quickly. We used to be human beings, you see. When I heard the bomb go off, I ran to the door at the end of the corridor.

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