The Sky is Closed
The Administration just announced that the USA is scrapping any further moon missions, and downsizing NASA. The loss of personnel and expertise evoked protests from Astronauts from Neil Armstrong (first man on the moon) to Gene Cernan (last man on the moon, back during the Space Age.)
Charlie Duke, Alan Bean, and 19 other astronauts joined the protest in a second scathing letter.
There were, on the upside, some promises of missions to asteroids, and a vaguer hope of a manned mission to Mars at some point under some future administration, but the upshot was that the Constellation program (introduced by Pres. George W. Bush in 2004 with the goal of rocketing Americans back to the moon by 2020) is scrapped, ten years before deadline, after $10 billion dollars have been spent. Instead NASA will concentrate on robot missions, and low-earth orbital missions, such as space station vacations for millionaires.
The Chinese will be the kings of outer space. The West is basically no longer in the frontier business.
Instead the tax dollars of you and all your children and grandchildren will be spent on programs to sovietize the banking system, the housing and loan market, the motor car industry, and the health care industry, with the eventual and inevitable result that all these services will be run as efficiently and effectively as the Department of Motor Vehicles, except that hereafter the lard-face clerk will have power over your bank account, credit circulation, motor car, hospital stays and doctor’s visits, and if you are the wrong race, gender, or sexual orientation, your place in queue will get bumped. The dependents on government largesse will be a permanent voting bloc, and keep the system as a perment and ever-expanding feature of the economy: the public sector will eat the private sector.
That is the future we bought with your tax dollars, a claustrophobic & soviet future, instead of a future of space travel, an infinite future. We sold our patrimony for a mess of pottage.