L Jagi Lamplighter Interview! Six Questions!

Mrs. Wright has also been interviewed by Hiedi Miller of FIELD NOTES.

Here is the link: http://heidirubymiller.blogspot.com/2011/03/heidis-pick-six-l-jagi-lamplighter.html

The third volume of her well-received Children of Prospero trilogy comes out September of 2011.


I won’t spoil the ending by telling you that Luke is the son of Darth Voledmort, Bella Swan ends up marrying Malfoy, Ron Weasley ends up dating Kim Possible, Hermione is carried off by Neoptolemus the son of Achilles (but it does not work out and she ends up with Orestes), and meanwhile the Vampire Lestat is staked through the heart by Buffy Summers, Harry Potter is wounded in his great battle with the Dark Lord (whose name is Tom) and must sail away with the house elves to Valinore across the Sundering Sea, or at least, the Atlantic, and Prospero is, as the title suggests, regained.

As you recall from Part Two, Gandalf the White and Sparrowhawk of Gont were investigating why Albus Dumbledore, unlike every other wizard in Middle-Earthsea, has not yet come back from the dead, and must consult the wizard Prospero, who is not technically dead, even if he is lost (Volume One) or in hell (Volume Two). That plotline, as well as what happened to Oscar Diggs once he took off in his hot air balloon from the Emerald City, is revealed and satisfies in this triumphant conclusion.

The reason why I won’t spoil the ending is that none of that happens in this book, which concerns the adventures of an entirely different group of people, magicians, elves, magical animals, fallen angels, mad lute players, enchantresses, teleporters, the Pope on planet Mars, not to mention Mab the Company Gumshoe.