The Unearned
From the invaluable Bill Whittle
My comment: I have always wondered why, once they know their game is up, the Political Correctionists continue to pretend that they have some sort of moral high ground, intellectual or moral superiority to the rest of us.
Only slowly has the realization dawned on me that perhaps they cannot help it. They simply cannot stop, long after they know their efforts at pretense are in vain.
There is no point in asking of them. When confronted, they simply lie, and pretend their motives are compassion, or a concern for integrity, or some other jabberwocky.
But they keep doing it. Long after they know that neither they nor we think of them as anything other than mentally slow and morally corrupt loudmouths, they continue hanging around the Church windows of decent people and educated people heckling and strutting, as if asking some hypothetical audience for the moral superiority they cannot earn.
Why continue the charade?
Well, for that matter, why does the devil in Hell continue a war he knows he must lose? Pride makes men do stupid things.
And these poor souls are trapped in a mental prison, a web of word-fetishes, a set of beliefs that forbid them from recognizing the truth about the world, about themselves, on one topic after another, and most of all forbid them from recognizing what their beliefs are or where their beliefs come from.
The various levels of the disease of the soul in them have reached various levels: at first it is merely a revolt against tradition, which is something all lovers of progress see at least some merit in, or against conformity, which all independent thinkers admire.
Then it is a revolt against religious tyranny, then against religious itself, then against reason, then against virtue and honor, then against sanity and life.
The corruption is first of the conscience, then of the rational faculty, then of the passions, finally of the appetites.
They cannot break out of the mental trap. What tool would they use? Reason, the tool we have to distinguish logical from illogical, is after all the first thing they have thrown away. Judgment and instinct and a sense of decency is the tool we use to distinguish decent from indecent. This is corrupted in them, set to a reverse setting, so that they exult in what should shame them, and are ashamed of what should exult them. A subset of this decency is aesthetic judgment, which distinguishes ugly from beautiful: look at a modern art museum to see the corruption of such judgment. Finally, their emotions and appetites are perverted, so that what ever is normal repels them and whatever is grotesque attracts them. To them the highest and most noble calling in life is to destroy life, particularly that most precious life, at the womb, when the child is weak and helpless, and at old age, when grandma is getting to be a burden.
They cannot arrest their addiction to unearned moral superiority because any revivification of their consciences would convert them even if it did not destroy them.