Scientist Lands a Probe On a Speeding Comet and Feminists Shriek About His Shirt

If I wrote this in a parody SFF story, no editor would buy it. It is too far beyond belief.

Feminists: We need to fight negative stereotypes like women caring more about fashion than science.
Comet? What comet? EEEK! LOOK AT THAT SHIRT!! Some big, strong man, HAAALP! Protect me from seeing that shirt. Eek! Eek!

Dr. Matt Taylor is a freaking hero, okay? We should do like the crowd at the end of the movie V FOR VENDETTA and all of us, each and every man in America, buy the same shirt. And the Guy Fawkes mask.

(Hurray for Catholic spies blowing up heretic kings with gunpowder! Why anarchist Alan Moore or the dunderheads of Anonymous picked our icon for his ideal, I have no idea.)

I think this is the shirt. Please let a sharp eyed reader can correct me if it is not.

And the young lady who sewed it makes this comment ( and says she has set up this account for people who want to buy from her:

They are sold out at the moment. Buy one for Matt Taylor! Buy one for the comet! Buy one for Guy Fawkes!

Below the cut is the picture of me in my shirt. Yes, this is exactly what all faithful Catholics dress like. Every day.

gunner girl for vendetta

A word of warning:

Anyone who makes the comment in the remarks below that this shirt was tasteless or unprofessional for a public appearance will be deleted without warning or remark. Shut the full cup, as folks less polite than I are wont to say. You well know, or should well know, that this is not the issue here.

The issue is this: The termagants, bullies, and harridan harpies who vexed this weakling to the point of tears, on the day which was his triumphant crowning achievement and should have been the happiest of his life, they are not modest Christian women objecting to a tasteless shirt, nor are they scientists worried that their profession create a dignified public appearance.

The harpies crap on the feast. That is their role. That is who they are.

They are filth, pure and simple. Don’t give them any cover or concealment by making their madness sound sane.

If you thought his shirt was tasteless, then land a flying interplanetary probe on your own comet first, jerkmouth, and you can wear a godzilla-dam mothra-flocking neon TUXEDO with saint Catherine wheel epaulettes and twin buttock rockets up the tails for your news conference, if you like. Until your accomplishments in life match his, shut your odious, oleaginous, obnoxious trap.

It was his lucky shirt. Given to him by his lady. He just did something no one else his history has ever done, ever.

For now, applaud. Just applaud. Don’t be petty.

ADDENDUM: There is a kickstarter starting to drum up funds to throw the guy a party, and stick a thumb in the eye of the pinkshirted pinko micro-fascists.