Cravenness, Idiocy, Folly, or Devilry?

A reader with the leonine yet nautical name of HMSLion opines:

There is a nasty part of me that thinks the fastest way to counter this would be to burn a few Leftists at the stake. Get their attention.

My shoulder devil often tells me the same thing, but I do not ascribe the motive of the Leftists to cowardice.


They are not afraid of us, they merely talk that way to justify their hatred and their aggressive stance toward us in the name of self defense.

Their motive is hatred of Christ, is pride, is selfishness, is rebellion against the rule and authority of Heaven.

Mohammedanism is a hellish parody of Christianity, copying from our holy books everything from the story of Genesis to the miraculous birth of Christ, but preaching war and conquest rather than peace and compassion.

The Muslim is commanded to commit Jihad, holy war, as one of the duties of the faith.

A martyr in Christianity is an innocent soul who is killed rather than betray his faith; a martyr in Islam is one who kills any innocent soul who fails to betray his faith. A more diametric and exact mockery of the meaning of martyrdom cannot be imagined: the Christian is rewarded by God with the palm of martyrdom for not resisting torture and murder, whereas the Muslim is rewarded by Allah for committing torture and murder.

And for committing suicide during mass murder, the Muslim is promised the seventy virginal and nonhuman she-creatures called houri in a carnal, lascivious version of heaven. The Muslim is also promised that he may drink the wine there which is forbidden him on Earth. The virginity of the houri is magically restored after each coupling, in much the same way the fallen in the more military version of heaven of the Norse, Valhalla, are restored each night to war again next dawn.

playboy bunnies

The Mohammedan Paradise: Girls and Booze

Of course, here in America, you can get more than 72 willing girls by running a successful porno magazine and a line of gambling clubs, and one need not blow himself to bloody shreds with a homemade bomb.

It seems clear that when the devilish parody of Christianity commits an atrocity, that secretly delights the Left; but if the Christians smote the Leftists with the edge of the sword, the Leftwingers would erupt with anger, and start killing Christians here as the Leftists in Nazi Germany and in Stalinist Russia did. Those were both socialists, nationalist socialists in the case of the Nazi, bolshevik socialists in the case of the Communist, motivated by the same ideals as motivated Clement Attlee or Franklin Roosevelt, merely a less violent strain of the mental disease.

It could be argued that the Left admired Communists because they sincerely thought socialism would benefit the poor,  prevent the excesses of the free market, and curtail the evils of democracy.  In sum, it can be argued that the Left admired Communism because of the stated ideals and goals Communism claimed.

It cannot be argued that the admiration of the Left in this case is due to the ideals and goals of Islam. Most Leftists could not correctly identify any Islamic doctrine; and, if they could, the goals and ideals are diametrically opposed to those of the Left.

Likewise, it is not fear and cowardice. If it were cowardice that made the Left kneel kiss the sandals of the Jihadist, then the Left would, in the name of mollifying the Jihad, eliminate all mention of gays in the same way that want to eliminate all mention of pork. They don’t.

Indeed, to judge from their behavior, the Left does not suffer from cowardice, and abundance of fear, but from a creepy, almost pathological inability to feel fear when they should feel it, like an idiotic child giggling as he pokes a mad and wild tiger with a stick, thinking it a pussy cat; or, to use a better example, the Left is like an idiot child who opens the door to an ax murderer, whose red suit is red because he is coated with blood, who calls through the mail slot that he is Santa come to give the idiot child a toy.

The Left and Islam

Leftist Idiot Child Welcomes Blood-sopped Jihad in through the Front Door

Except even this is not a good analogy, because the blood-sopped ax murderer is promising nothing but murder, death, torture, and female genital mutilation. No Leftist, no matter how foolish or blind, can, at this point in history, consider Islam to be a peaceful, harmless, and benevolent religion.

So it is not fear that motivates the Left. The Left do not kowtow to the Jihad because they fear the Jihad but because they admire the Jihad, for the same reason they admired the Communists and their atrocities.

Leftists are not idiots and not children, but are perfectly rational and perfectly adult beings who, out of loyalty to their Politically Correct dogmas, act like idiotic and disobedient children. The father whom they disobey is God, who is the source and fountainhead of intelligence as well as morality, truth and beauty, and farther the Left moves away from God out of love of hell, the more stupid, immoral, untrue, gross and petty they become.