God Made Brights to Teach Humility
A question from an abbreviated reader named, or, rather, lettered MC:
Mr. Wright, I have some questions that come from a sort of alt-right and evolutionary perspective that maybe you could provide a possible answer for. I’ve thought about some of these questions after spending considerable time on some alt-right blogs and channels, and they have me wondering.
If God exists, why do you think He would create some races with such a low average IQ, that also look very different, and are different in so many other ways to the point that they can’t even accept organ transplants from outside of their race?
Doesn’t a godless evolutionary theory offer a better explanation of these differences?
If God does exist, wouldn’t it be accurate to then assume that he favors some races over others, and not all people are even necessarily created in his image?
Well, it is rather difficult to take this question seriously, but I will give it the old college try, and try not to be droll or quick in answering.
My first remark, that God made the Jews with higher average IQ’s than Alt-Righters in order to teach humility would perhaps be too droll and quick an answer.
My second remark, which is more serious, is that you perhaps should spend less time on alt-right blogs and channels.
A collectivist is one who judges a man not on his merits, but on his membership in a group. For the Left, the groups are class or sex or race. For the so-called Alt-Right, the groups are race. By this token, we know the so called Alt-Right are actually merely another flavor of Leftist, despite their name.
To be sure, the term “Alt-Right” at one time referred to anyone on the right disenchanted with GOP cowardice and folly. However, after Trump’s election, the Alt-Right purged their ranks of conservatives, who were now “cucks”, purged their ranks of Christians, who were now “churchians” and purged their ranks of Americans — I forget what the sneer-term was for that, albeit it had something to do with “magic dirt.” There was another sneer-term to refer to people who believed in the principles enunciated by the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.
And I in particular was a race traitor, because my family is not all pure Aryan thoroughbreds. Some within the Alt-Right warned of the dangers of letting the racial collectivists “the Alt-Reich” take over the movement, and purge the more mainstream elements. Their warnings, alas, did not win the day.
The devil always sends his errors to earth in opposite pairs, so that the unwary fleeing from one falls into the arms of the other, and, in either case, the unwary is lost and the devil wins.
In this case, the Left has chained the idea of equality to the idea of racism against whites. By Left thinking, if you believe in equality, you believe blacks are better than whites. For example, whites have white privilege, which makes them automatically wicked, so they are automatically bad; whereas blacks can never be racist because racism means never having the power white privilege promotes. Or something.
Well, of course those two ideas cannot be chained together because one contradicts the other. If all men are equal, all blacks cannot be superior to all whites.
But the advantage to the Devil is that the gullible yahoos come from two directions. The first is gullible enough to say that since he loves equality, he will gladly believe whites are inferior. The second is gullible enough to say that since he does not believe whites inferior, therefore he hates equality.
Both are yahoos. The Houyhnhnm examines the axiom of the false dichotomy, sees the false-to-facts association, and says that the idea the all men are created equal and the idea that one race is inferior or superior to the other are mutually exclusive ideas. It is illogical to hold both positions.
In this case, just as the liberals shed their last shred of liberalism, and became hard left collectivists, that is, race collectivists in favor of every race but whites, the Alt-Right did the opposite, shed any trace of rightwing thinking, and became hard left collectivists, with this sole difference: they are race collectivist against every race but whites.
Part of the propaganda embraced both by the hard Left and the Alt-Right is that the choice between them is binary: anyone not of one camp must be of the opposite. Anyone not a commie is a Nazi; and anyone not a Nazi is a commie.
Both sides ignore individualism, judging each man by his merits, fairplay, equal rights, liberty, honesty, and all those American and Christian virtues.
They just pretend we Americans and Christians do not exist, or they dismiss the entire history of the America or Christendom with a wave of their hand, saying that believing all men are created equal is a willful blindness or a myth, or that not all men are created in the image of God.
As a Houyhnhnm, I find this line of thinking illogical and self refuting.
None of these yahoos, once they admit yahoos are not equal to Houyhnhnms, will also admit that they are yahoos, and confess their inferiority and bow out of the conversation.
How odd.
If men are not born of equal rank in civilized societies, why is it that I never hear this from men calling themselves my inferior? How convenient for them, always to be in the ruling class and highest caste.
However, you did not ask my advice on whether or not you should allow yourself to be seduced and deceived by the more deeply deceived, so I will not dwell on this remark either.
Your first question is in two parts: why are some races created with inferior intellect to others, and why do the races look so very different from each other that some cannot even have medical transplants one to the other?
First question first:
God made men unequal in every imaginable way except one. We are all equally loved by Him, no matter what else.
To ask why some men, like me, are born smarter than other men is basically the same question as to ask why some men, like Michael Jackson, enjoy good fortune, good looks, wealth, health, and worldly success, while other men, like Francis of Assisi, live in poverty, and suffer the scorn of the world.
I speculate this was done precisely to show the stubborn and the unwise how idle, frivolous, and pointless all other virtues, and all other human strengths and human accomplishments, are to be rated when compared to love.
The reason why I was made smarter than you was to show you that smarts do not matter all that much in the long run. Only love matters.
I speculate that the dog and the horse and perhaps even the cat were created as companions and servants for man precisely as an obvious clue that equal intelligence is not necessary for a loving bond to form.
I speculate that the Jews and Chinese were made to score higher on IQ tests than whites precisely to show whites not to judge men by IQ test scores.
I speculate that IQ tests were permitted by Heaven to exist precisely in order to show to any honest onlooker the dangers of intellectual pride.
IQ tests are the junk science of the alt-right in the same way that global warming is the junk science of the hard left. Namely, it is a complex enough field that by massaging the numbers, a rhetorician can get any outcome he wants, and any inconvenient test results that do not fit the narrative can be disregarded.
By alt-right logic, when Black semi-illiterate barbarians from Africa score poorly on IQ tests, it is evidence of racial inferiority; but when White semi-illiterate barbarians from the slums of England score poorly on IQ tests, it is evidence of a conspiracy by the Jews to wreck Western Civilization.
As for why God made one man different from another, so that men with A positive blood type can donate to A positives or AB positives, but to no one else, and never receive blood from B blood type, I speculate this was done to show His glory. I am not sure why you, or anyone, would conclude that blood type B is not favored by God based on this difference.
Now, I admit that the world would be more convenient for blood donation if we were all universal donors. While we are at it, endless life, eternal youth, intuitive grasp of all intellectual matters, and pigs able to sprout wings and fly would also be convenient, particularly for swineherds trying to move pork to the market. Sin has made the world inconvenient for us.
The record shows that saints, performing miracles just as Our Lord did, could heal the sick and raise the dead, despite any incompatibility of organ donation or blood donation. Baptism washes away sin, even of Ethiopian eunuchs (see Acts 8:26-40 for details).
Surely it is more difficult to wash away sin than to donate an organ. Why does the first work across differences in bloodtype, and not the second?
The other differences between man and man I do not see as evidence of moral or spiritual inferiority or superiority: God, or Nature, made the Black African better able to withstand the rigors of life in the equatorial regions, and Eskimos and Patagonians the rigors in frigid areas, perhaps to teach Europeans humility, but also to encourage our ingenuity in devising means to overcome these obstacles.
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha is a Red Indian. I can assure you, she is more saintly than I, despite her being a woman, because she is a saint and I am not. Mary the daughter of Anne is a Jewess. I can assure you, she is more saintly than I, despite her being a woman, because she is a saint and I am not.
The 26 the Japanese martyrs were crucified in Nagasaki in 1597. I can assure you, each was more saintly than I, despite them being Japanese, whereas I am Pennsylvania Dutch.
The differences in appearance between the various races of man is not to show that God favors one race, such as the Jews, over the barbarians of Germany, source of all evils from the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century. The differences are placed here so we can learn to love each other.
What merit is there if one loves another who is a twin in all ways to oneself? That is merely self love. Even the gentiles love their friends and families. Even pagans love their nation. What merit is there in that? We are called upon to love our enemies, who are not like us.
Besides, I have met many a man of another race with whom I have far more in common, in terms of looks and psychology, than with any woman I know, including those in my own family.
There are psychological and spiritual differences between male and female that run beyond biology, and right to the core of reality.
Does this mean men should not love women, because women are so unlike we males? God forbid.
Does this mean men are favored by God above women? I will ask Our Lady, the Virgin, Queen of Angels, and Star of the Sea, if that is the case. She perhaps can answer my questions as soon as she is done trampling Satan under her foot.
Do not think that because men are meant to be the leaders of the household as Christ is head of the Church, that this duty implies spiritual superiority. It implies that men are held to a standard of providing greater service. Who serves most is leader in Christian households. We men are made male in order to protect the weaker sex, and provide for the children.
So, logically, if the great difference between male and female is not a sign of spiritual superiority, then how can the lesser differences between Pennsylvania Dutch and you barbaric outer races, you men of Maryland and New York, be a sign of spiritual superiority? The logic will not hold.
Second question:
Evolutionary theory is not a theory, it is a ‘just-so’ story.
It is not scientific, and it predicts no outcomes. Darwinian theory does not predict an outcome of uniformity within a species, nor of divergence within a species. It predicts periodic divergences followed by diebacks which produce more uniformity.
Therefore, no, the evolutionary theory is not a better explanation of high Jewish IQ test score nor of Global Warming, nor of anything having to do with a theological question.
Evolutionary theory does not have anything to do with this question at all, since God could produce man from ape as easily as He produced Adam from clay. For all we know, an evolutionary mechanism was the mechanism God used to produce Jews with high IQ scores.
And Jews with high IQ scores have to be explained along with sub-Saharan Blacks with low IQ test scores in our model, or else the model is not a model, but a narrative.
(Of course, the races who have mothers who force children to bookwork, Jews and Chinese, are the ones with higher average test scores for any type of test, including IQ tests. Perhaps ambition, rather than genetics, can account for the disparity of outcomes, eh?)
Third question:
Your final question is ambiguous, and I do not understanding it. You ask whether it would be more “accurate” to assume God favors one race over another, and that not all men are created in His image, this, despite the clear teaching of the one, true, and universal Church for the first Ten Centuries of Christian history, the clear teaching of Roman and Eastern Catholics since then, and the clear teaching of all major Protestant denominations since the Sixteenth Century?
Well, think about that for a second. If some men are made in the image and likeness of God, and others are not, and you are one of those who is not, and I am one of those who is, may I treat you as I am allowed to treat a livestock animal, as a creature with no rights and no innate dignity?
If I am not allowed to treat you as livestock, why am I not?
Please prove to me that you are made in the image and likeness of God. Where is your evidence to that effect?
Would it not be more “accurate” for me to assume that you are an inferior, merely livestock that talks?
Do you see the problem with this line of inquiry?
If you cannot provide evidence of your equality, why do you ask your brothers to do so? If they fail to prove themselves, no doubt you can oppress them with a clean conscience.
But if you fail to prove yourself to your superiors, for their are creatures older, wiser, and more cunning than mankind at work on this our earthly sphere even now, what objection can you raise to their oppressing you?