The Elf King Thanketh

And now for a note from my son, Elfking Wright, to give thanks for the generous help of patrons who donated to the cause.
The words following are his:

The Elk King in Costa Rica

Almost a month ago now, I returned from my trip to Costa Rica. It was a blast. I would like to thank all of you for helping me get there. If it were not for your generous donation, I’m not sure I would have been able to go.

The trip itself was great, the class and I helped out at many location such as a farm, a school, and a wildlife reserve. We picked peppers, dug rain ditches, collected and juiced sugar cane, laid a grave path, constructed a black top, patrolled for turtles, and so did so much more.

It was nice to help out, in our own small way, the Costa Rican community. Although, I think my favorite part of the trip would be the night we learned some local dances. I guess I prefer dancing to manual labor. Who knew?

Thanks once again for your donations, I trust I have been as helpful to those in Costa Rica as you were to me. You have my gratitude.

Thank you all for your support.



Most sincerely,

Justinian Oberon Wright