Not Tired of Winning Yet CI
Here are Mr Trump’s post-acquittal remarks
Please watch the remarks before reading below.
These are the headlines used by the mainstream press to describe these remarks:
- The hidden worst part of Donald Trump’s unhinged impeachment victory speech.
- A defiant Trump takes grievance-filled victory lap at “celebration” of Senate acquittal.
- Trump Celebrates Impeachment Acquittal With Bizarre ‘Blood’ and ‘Bullshit’ Filled White House Speech.
- Trump unleashes impeachment fury in acquittal ‘celebration’.
- Seth Meyers skewers Trump’s post-acquittal ranting.
- Trump’s post-acquittal speech was an ‘avalanche of grievance against everybody’: CNN’s Gloria Borger.
- Threats, misogyny, hypocrisy — Trump’s bonkers post-impeachment speech had a little of everything.
- Upbeat and Spiteful, Trump Showers Praise on Allies and Scorn on Enemies in Post-Acquittal Address.
- After Acquittal, Trump Repeats Inaccurate Claims on Impeachment and Ukraine.
- After acquittal, Trump unleashes fury at impeachment in White House speech.
- Trump Went Off The Deep End In His Post-Acquittal Victory Lap.
- Trump celebrates acquittal, denounces ‘vicious’ political opponents in post-impeachment insult blitz.
- Republican Congressional Cowards Sit Quietly As Trump Attacks Romney.
- ‘I Did Nothing Wrong’: Trump Defiant After Senate Acquittal.
My comment: these were the results from the Google’s search engine.
I have not cherry picked these results. I saw not one arguably truthful or arguably neutral headline nor link returned, until I used DuckDuckGo.
I am unable and unwilling to believe that anyone listening to Mr. Trump’s calm tones, rich and jovial, honestly thinks any of this
sounds unhinged, grievance-filled, bizarre, furious, ranting, an avalanche of grievance, or contained threats, misogyny, hypocrisy, spite, inaccuracy, fury, or can honestly say he has gone off the deep end, is deranged, or indulges here in a post impeachment insult blitz.
Even the word ‘defiant’ is not accurate here. The tone is genial and celebratory.
Remember the Third Rule of Leftwing psychology: they only accuse others of things they know themselves to be guilty of. Fury is the least of the emotions consuming the small, corrupt brain fragment.
I consider this a victory because the truth is slowly eroding the Matrix-like airtight hallucination of propaganda narratives spun by the news media.