Star Wars THE ACOLYTE or, Witches in Space

Star Wars is dead to me. At one time, it was my favorite franchise, more cherished to me than Star Trek or Babylon Five. Now? I cannot even provoke a sense of contempt for it.

It reminds me of going into an art museum, seeing paintings by Dutch Masters or Pre-Raphaelites, and then going into the modern art wing, and seeing a toilet, or a crucifix in a urine jar.

But, for those of you still able to give a tinker’s damn, the Dark Herald of Arkhaven has a review:

Okay, I now know why they launched this thing during Pride month.  It was no happy coincidence that the gayest Star Wars ever was let loose in the wild during June.

This review will cover the first three episodes of the Acolyte. The first two were available for streaming last night and the third was made available to me by means I’m not going to discuss in public. 

I’ll start with the third episode because the first two are overloaded with mystery boxes that are packed with so much foreshadowing the story is more comprehensible if I just jump ahead. The episode opens on the Planet of the Space Lesbians.  The protagonist and antagonist are introduced as a set of young identical twins (girls naturally because there are no men at all on this idyllic world). The Space Lesbians are powerful Wiccans who have secret knowledge of the Force.  The Force is actually, quite literally, female.  It comes from motherhood. They have two mothers, one who was their birth mother and the one that knocked her up using the Force.  I’m grateful they couldn’t get away with showing the conception because I have a horrible feeling it would have involved scissoring and force lightning 

There is a lecture held on the womanly power of the Force. It’s not a “force” at all as that is far too masculine of a concept, it is in fact a thread that sews the cosmos together and it can be tugged upon to accomplish certain… This is all Wicca stuff, if you’ve ever become acquainted with that neopagan Marxist bullshit of a “religion” you’ll recognize the concepts pretty quickly. 

Read the whole thing here:

My comment: I have not seen the show, and if you wanted to pay me to see it, I would charge a healthy fee to recompense me for the loss of time and brain cells.

But I am not surprised that the reviewer here detects the witchcraft lurking behind the feminism of the force being female.

Thanks to Rachel Wilson and Carrie Gress, I have heard that the origins of feminism, even back in the days of Byron and Mary Wollstonecraft, were soaked in occultism.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton, for example, described as “Author, lecturer, and chief philosopher of the woman’s rights and suffrage movements” and who wrote “the Women’s Bible” to advocate overthrowing male priesthood and hierarchy, also conducted seances by means of a “spirit table” where unseen forces would rap and tap the table to convey messages from the otherworld, much like a Ouija Board. This spirit table is currently in the Smithsonian Museum.

And, again, thanks to James Lindsay, I have been warned of the thread of esoteric religious cultism, Theosophy, Hermeticism and Gnosticism, which is found in all modern Leftwing movements, in the WEF activism, BLM, ESG, DEI, Cultural Marxism, Marxism, Gender Theory, Extinctionism, Environmentalism, and so on.  All are based on the idea that reality is formed by a social construct which is unfairly crafted and maintained by the cunning of whichever collective identity most benefits from it: the Patriarchy is crafted by Males, White Privilege by Whites, Capitalism by Capitalists, Internationalism by the International Jew, and so on.

Feminism, as one peers closely at the unsavory and unreported history of the movement, is tied into abortion, free love, sodomy, anarchy, and any number of similar lunatic social movements and would-be utopias so popular throughout the Nineteenth Century.  The Victorian Era was indeed an era of prudery and propriety, but it was also the era of Marx, and of Edward Bellamy, and of a large number of utopian experiments, all of which failed spectacularly.

The freak and weirdos, experimental marriage advocates, abortionists, nudists, vegetarians, communists, and all fashion of occultists attempting to mimic the lifestyle of the Apostles after Pentecost, or Adam and Eve before the Fall, are not merely a product of the psychedelic thinking of the 1960s. They were just as prevalent, just as weird and freakish, in 1860, or in the Thirteenth Century among the Albigensians and Amalricians.

We no longer have an established church in America, and very little is left of the civic nondenominational Christianity as was once seen in the Boy Scouts, military chaplains, public monuments in parks, and so on. A shared popular entertainment was one of the few cultural meeting-grounds the scattered members of our atomized society held in common.

So of course the witches must take over Star Wars. The franchise, from the first, was a nostalgic throwback to the cliffhanger serials of Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon of the 1940s. Everything from the camera wipes to the word crawl to calling a dame “sister” bespoke the 1940s. The trope of a farm boy led by a wizard to rescuing a princess from an ogre’s castle guarded by a black knight is far older. All these things are core myths of the West, and, as such, are regarded as core principles of oppression by the Gnostics, who regard the world as a cage constructed to entrap them, and benefit the happy people.

Happy people are the enemy of the Witches.

That is why, in folk tales, Witches throw innocent children into ovens to bake into pies. That is why, in life, Witches favor abortion.

How better to quell happiness than to have mother’s commit the unspeakable crime of Medea, then force the ex-mother to lie about it, call it health care, and boast about it? Drug abuse, suicide, and wearing pink sex-organ hats on the head are merely humiliation meant to twist the knife in the wound.

Star Wars, once, made people happy. It was not a complex nor deep happiness, but it was simple, straightforward, and satisfying. For the dreary landscape of movies in the 1970s, it was indeed a new hope.

No wonder the Witches hate it.