Not Blue or Red — but Golden

For those of you following recent political burger joint events, Trump passed out free French fries at a local McDonald’s in Bucks County, PA, after being shown how to work the fry station.

The man has the common touch. Like kissing babies, adroit politicians imitate, a love for the little guy, an admiration for the workingman. Trump has these qualities authentically.

The Leftists in the media reacted as their stereotype dictated: accuse, accuse, accuse and belittle. “Nazi leader Trump claims the water is wet and fire burns, but offered no evidence to support this false lying and false claim.”

The Leftists called a publicity stunt a stunt and claim that a staged event was staged. As if the manager and staff at the store were blissfully unaware of the titanic crowd outside, the gaggle of press at the drive-thru, the secret service at all entrances, the camera crew and the president of the United States in the fry cook station.

As if politicians never before stage-managed a publicity stunt. The difference here, is that this stunt was master-class trolling, emphasizing the difference between the two candidates. Trump comes across as immensely likeable and genial, and he talks to everyone, worldleaders and fry cooks, the same way.

Kamala, meanwhile, was telling a youth who cried out “Jesus is King!” that he was at the wrong rally — and should go find a smaller rally down the street. (If this is a reference to Trump’s rallies, it is shockingly tin-eared. Trump draws unprecedented crowds, and it is nakedly absurd to pretend otherwise.)

But as a writer, I must also admire the artistry of how the franchise handled the firestorm of artificial controversy ginned up by the Pravda press.

Below is their internal memo.

“We are not red or blue — we are golden.” This is clever, conciliatory, and nonpartisan. Unlike other brands, McDonald’s is willing to “shut up and fry.”