Not Tired of Winning Yet CCVIII
I will add links if an when I can find them. For now, I am not tired of winning, but I am not able to keep up. It is too much winning. TOO MUCH!
- Trump signs and Executive order asking Federal agencies to reverse ban on plastic straws.
- Google Calendar no longer includes Pride Month
- The indefatigable Scott Presler announces “We just got Pennsylvania voter registration data. We’ve been using AI to uncover duplicate & fraudulent voter registrations. The PA State Dept. just did a massive purge.” So the voter rolls in corrupt states are being cleansed.
- CDC employees are reportedly preparing to submit their resignation letters in large numbers following the announcement that RFK Jr. will head the Department of Health and Human Services.
- International Planned Parenthood to lose $61 million due to Trump’s executive order.
- Trump signs full and unconditional pardon for former Governor Rod Blagojevich for his corruption conviction.
Eliminating the Federal Executive Institute
The Federal Executive Institute is a program that was set up during the Johnson Administration to train senior level government bureaucrats. Trump just axed it as wasteful.
- Re the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: Trump is ordering the Department of Justice to use its prosecutorial discretion to ameliorate the negative effects of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. This is to allow Americans to do business abroad and to allow our foreign Partners to do business with Americans without fearing unjust prosecution.