Cut the umbilical cord, and placed the baby, moving and breathing, into a plastic bag to smother her
Tell me once more, O Modern World, of your great moral superiority over all good Christian folk.
MIAMI, December 4, 2006 ( – An autopsy report has been released by Operation Rescue showing that a baby who died in a Florida abortion mill in July was born alive. Abortion facility staff placed the child still breathing and moving into a plastic medical waste bag.
Hialeah Police had previously stated that they were awaiting the results of an autopsy on the child’s remains before pursuing possible charges.
On July 20, an 18-year old woman went to a for-profit abortion facility owned by Belkis Gonzalez and Siomara Senises. She gave birth to a living baby girl while sitting in a recliner in the facility’s recovery room. The child’s mother, Sycloria Williams told police that she had watched her daughter moving and gasping for air for approximately five minutes.
The Dade County Medical Examiner report dated October 28, said that the baby died of “extreme prematurity” and lists no “contributory cause.” The report lists the “manner of death” as “natural.”
Remind me, ye Revolutionaries, once again, how liberating and empowering the Modern Time is for women. Tell me, Moloch, tell me why your modern barbarism, your faith (despite all evidence) that man is an beast of no significance, makes your creed superior to Christian civilization?
Her name was Shanice. She did not find Modernism empowering.