Not Tired of Winning Yet CXCI

Honestly, I cannot keep up with all this winning. Let me at least report what others are reporting. This is from the pen of Charlie Kirk:

Day 3 of the Trump Administration is on the books. On his third day, President Trump:

  • Completed the shutdown of all DEI offices in the government and placed all existing DEI employees on indefinite leave.
  • Announced a new deployment of 1,500 active-duty troops to assist in securing the US-Mexico border.
  • Received a commitment from the crown prince of Saudi Arabia to increase trade and investment with the U.S. by $600 billion.
  • Ordered the Border Patrol to begin immediately deporting anybody caught crossing into America illegally, without a hearing, ending the insane Biden policy of catching illegal crossers only to then let them claim asylum and be released into America with a court date months or years in the future.
  • Ordered a freeze on DOJ consent decrees with local police departments, which Biden and Obama used to shackle local police and prevent them from stopping crime. -Pardoned two D.C. police officers wrongfully convicted in a political show trial after a gang member they were pursuing fled into traffic and was hit by a car.
  • Had the Defense Department commit to using military aircraft to assist CBP in deportation operation. For half a century, America has had Republican administrations filled with people terrified to fulfill their electoral mandates. That pattern has ended.
  • Declassified the hitherto top secret documents surrounding the assassination of RFK, JFK, MLK. All conspiracy theories will now be proved or put to rest.

1458 days to go.