Author Archive

Not Tired of Winning Yet CCXVII

Posted March 24, 2025 By John C Wright

Not tired of winning, but impossible to keep up. Some of this may be counting chickens before they are hatched:


    President Trumps new executive order on election integrity includes:
    – Mandatory voter ID with proof of citizenship
    – No more ballots counted after Election Day
    – Paper ballots ONLY, no QR codes, no barcodes
    – Federal funding tied to real election security
    – Biden’s EO 14019 officially revoked
    The executive order merely enforces existing law. It applies only to federal elections.

  • Kash Patel to gut the ATF.
  • Federal taxpayer-funded housing for illegal aliens is terminated by the new HUD secretary.
  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr has announced plans to ban pharmaceutical advertisements on television.
  • Idaho just unanimously passed a bill to give child sex abusers the automatic death penalty.
  • New Tesla Model Y inventory is now completely sold out in Texas, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Georgia, Utah, Virginia, Alabama, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Indianapolis, Iowa, Nebraska, Hawaii, Wyoming, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Wisconsin, Maryland and Delaware.
  • The Supreme Court just sided with Donald Trump blocking the lower court’s (unconstitutional) order Forcing Trump to give aid to foreign countries.

The Art and Craft of Writing Romance

Posted March 21, 2025 By John C Wright

Hey, Jagi, here, shanghaiing John’s blog:

First, our Kickstarter was a huge success!

Thank you very much!

Second, if any of you avid readers are interested in writing yourselves, I will be teaching a class on The Art and Craft of Writing Romance.

The class will start on April 7th and consists of five lessons.

This six-week class is run over email.

The cost is: $275 ($150 for returning students)
(Scholarships are available)

If interested, please respond to: gmail—username: arhyalon



The Golden Transcendence 12: The Falsehoods

Posted March 19, 2025 By John C Wright

From THE GOLDEN TRANSCENDENCE, vol. III of my debut trilogy.

In the far future, the Golden Oecumene has elevated the immortals of the solar system to untrammeled triumphs of abundance, liberty, and splendor. But, hidden by masquerade, a sinister threat arises from the dark star Cygnus X1, man’s sole exosolar colony, the long-lost Silent Oecumene.

Phaethon of Rhadamanth, bedeviled and beguiled by agents of the Lords of the Silent Oecumene, returns from exile to confront them. He must battle them in the core of the Sun, the core of his mind and memory, and at the apex of all abstraction, when the Golden Transcendence gathers all minds in the solar system into one communion, and all truths are laid bare.

The Golden Transcendence Ep. 12: The Falsehoods

1 Comment

Sola Luthera

Posted March 19, 2025 By John C Wright

When I converted to Christianity, I had to select a denomination. “Mere” Christians have no place to go on Sunday.

Naturally, I did not want to re-litigate the theological intricacies of the Albigensian Heresy, the Photian Schism, or Hussite,  or Lollard or Lutheran. So I began at a simpler step.

As an atheist, I knew enough to know that Christians have always preached against divorce, contraception, sodomy. I took as an axiom that eternal God does not change His teaching to follow the fashions of the world.

If divorce is against Christian teaching, Anglicans are unfaithful. If contraception, Protestants, including Greek and Russian orthodox. If sodomy, Episcopalians.

This filter eliminates all denominations but one.

Read the remainder of this entry »


The Breastplate of Saint Patrick

Posted March 17, 2025 By John C Wright

In honor of Saint Patrick’s Day, let us recite and pray his famous prayer, and put on the Full Armor of God:

I arise today
Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
Through belief in the Threeness,
Through confession of the Oneness
of the Creator of creation.

I arise today
Through the strength of Christ’s birth with His baptism,
Through the strength of His crucifixion with His burial,
Through the strength of His resurrection with His ascension,
Through the strength of His descent for the judgment of doom.

I arise today
Through the strength of the love of cherubim,
In the obedience of angels,
In the service of archangels,
In the hope of resurrection to meet with reward,
In the prayers of patriarchs,
In the predictions of prophets,
In the preaching of apostles,
In the faith of confessors,
In the innocence of holy virgins,
In the deeds of righteous men.

I arise today, through
The strength of heaven,
The light of the sun,
The radiance of the moon,
The splendor of fire,
The speed of lightning,
The swiftness of wind,
The depth of the sea,
The stability of the earth,
The firmness of rock.

I arise today, through
God’s strength to pilot me,
God’s might to uphold me,
God’s wisdom to guide me,
God’s eye to look before me,
God’s ear to hear me,
God’s word to speak for me,
God’s hand to guard me,
God’s shield to protect me,
God’s host to save me
From snares of devils,
From temptation of vices,
From everyone who shall wish me ill,
afar and near.

I summon today
All these powers between me and those evils,
Against every cruel and merciless power
that may oppose my body and soul,
Against incantations of false prophets,
Against black laws of pagandom,
Against false laws of heretics,
Against craft of idolatry,
Against spells of witches and smiths and wizards,
Against every knowledge that corrupts man’s body and soul;
Christ to shield me today
Against poison, against burning,
Against drowning, against wounding,
So that there may come to me an abundance of reward.

Christ with me,
Christ before me,
Christ behind me,
Christ in me,
Christ beneath me,
Christ above me,
Christ on my right,
Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down,
Christ when I sit down,
Christ when I arise,
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.

I arise today
Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
Through belief in the Threeness,
Through confession of the Oneness
of the Creator of creation.


Epistle to Ansgar Letter 13: God and Miracles

Posted March 13, 2025 By John C Wright

March 9, 2025 AD
Feast Day of St. Cunegundes

Dear Godson,

On this day we celebrate St. Cunegundes, who was crowned Empress by Pope Benedict VIII when her husband St. Henry, Duke of Bavaria and King of the Romans, was crowned Emperor. She was avowed to virginity, and, with his consent, lived in continence with him. Calumny accused her of adultery, but she was vindicated by a miraculous sign: walking across flaming iron ploughshares without injury. She ruled as regent in the interregnum after Henry’s death in 1024. Thereafter, she became a nun, entering a convent she herself had built, and turning from a life of pomp and power to prayer and humble labor.

In addition to walking across flaming hot iron without hurt, the story is told that when her maid fell asleep one night, an unwatched candle lit the bed afire. Waking up in the midst of the blaze, the Cunegundes made the sign of the cross and the flames immediately disappeared.

It is often argued by atheists that reports of miracles must be false, because miracles abridge the laws of nature; and because the laws of nature cannot be abridged by definition, miracles do not exist.

This argument is circular.

Read the remainder of this entry »


STARQUEST: Secret Agents of the Galaxy (Vol 02)

Posted March 12, 2025 By John C Wright

The second volume of John C Wright’s ongoing Space Opera epic of epics is available now:


Space Opera has returned in all its glory and gigantic action! If you are weary of the wasteland of wokeness, your wait is ended!

The despotic Galactic Empire is gone, and the Dark Overlords are dead.

But from the embers new menaces arise: a Dark Sun Weapon quenches living stars; Pirate King Ahab gathers space corsairs to form warfleets of conquest; the Crime Syndicate corrupts consuls, fixes vote, paralyzes the polity to pry planets from the new Constitution.

Space Princess Lyra Centauri, exiled Shrine Maiden, employs her astral powers on behalf of the mysterious spymaster Nightshadow, and finds the shades of ancient foes alive in the astral realm.

Senator Napoleon Lone, and his illegal super-robot valet, must thread the maze of stellar politics to rouse a lethargic senate ere war clouds can crush the fledgling republic!

Patrolman Athos Lone wins the Black Badge of a Vindicator, and is able investigate without warrant and execute without trial. He seeks the Murder Mansion of Pirate Captain Liska, who slew his brother. As the iron-masked and lion-clawed vigilante called the Ancient Mariner, he seeks bloody revenge.

Shall the darkness thrive and dead devilry revive?

Read On! For All True Tales are but Part of a Greater!

***   ***   ***

I humbly ask my dear readers to spread the word, boost the signal, and tell the fun-starved spaceoperaless world that relief is on the way, and the great tradition of Pulp Wonder-tales is about to be revived.



The Golden Transcendence 11: The Surrender

Posted March 12, 2025 By John C Wright

From THE GOLDEN TRANSCENDENCE, vol. III of my debut trilogy.

In the far future, the Golden Oecumene has elevated the immortals of the solar system to untrammeled triumphs of abundance, liberty, and splendor. But, hidden by masquerade, a sinister threat arises from the dark star Cygnus X1, man’s sole exosolar colony, the long-lost Silent Oecumene.

Phaethon of Rhadamanth, bedeviled and beguiled by agents of the Lords of the Silent Oecumene, returns from exile to confront them. He must battle them in the core of the Sun, the core of his mind and memory, and at the apex of all abstraction, when the Golden Transcendence gathers all minds in the solar system into one communion, and all truths are laid bare.

The Golden Transcendence Ep. 11: The Surrender

1 Comment

An Observation

Posted March 11, 2025 By John C Wright

I have never been under the illusion that socialists differed from communists or fascists in anything but power, and I witnessed the take over of the Democrat party by socialists during my lifetime. Previously, the Democrats had been the pro-slavery, Jacksonian trail-of-tears, Wilsonian Progressives, but with the coming of FDR, they degenerated into full-blown Mussolini socialists, hindered only by the Constitution and the unwillingness of the voting public to yield to class-envy or race-hatred.

Americans are both more religious and more well educated than our European brethren, especially illiterate Russians of 1918 or agnostic Germans of 1925, and so the false idolatry of Utopia had less appeal here.

The legal engineering genius of our Constitutional system cannot be underestimated. The English, with their informal constitution, based on tradition, could not withstand the creeping corruption of Fabian socialism, nor fend off the ‘Open Conspiracy’ of figures like HG Wells and GB Shaw (

Socialists depend on falsehood for power. The wolf is always under sheep’s clothing. So they have made, over the decades, careful and scientific studies into falsehood, into agitation and propaganda techniques, mass-brainwashing, crowd psychology. Socialism turns sane people into pathological, sociopathic liars, lacking all trace of honesty or empathy.

One can see an example of Socialist agit-prop techniques here. This is a stillshot of the Orwellian-named “Beautiful Trouble” website, talking about power mapping:

Here is a closeup of the graphic:
Bill Whittle did an excellent documentary AN EMPIRE OF TERROR on the rise of Communism in Russia, the death of the Czars family, and the Red Terror. (
Anyone willing to engage in the sadism and mass murder of the Soviet revolution, the French Terror, the Maoist Cultural Revolution, will not hesitate at telling a few lies to the press, organizing riots, murdering cops, or falsifying ballots.
Lest we forget:

Literati Hate Literature

Posted March 10, 2025 By John C Wright

Our own Brad Torgersen was discussing whether or not THE GREAT GATSBY should be assigned reading to schoolboys. He was chided by snobs telling him schoolboys should take their literature like they take their cod liver oil, because it is good for them.

Mr. Torgersen then read this letter into the record. Please note the date.


Forrest Jay Ackerman is famous among fans for this fandom, and, of course, Edgar Rice Burroughs is famous, and rightly so, among all men of Jasoom.

Read the remainder of this entry »


Not Tired of Winning Yet CCXVI

Posted March 10, 2025 By John C Wright
  • Black Lives Matter Plaza being dismantled Farewell. Monuments to violent racist communists is a sign of civilizational suicide we are well rid of. And, yes, my dears, hatred of Caucasians, despite what commies tell you, is indeed racism.
  • ActBlue is under investigation. Finally. Perhaps I am premature here, as no arrests by anyone for any crimes have taken place, not even open acts of treason, but merely bringing this to public attention is a victory, and merits mention.
  • Director of National Intelligence Tulsi Gabbard REVOKES security clearances from Antony Blinken, Letitia James, Alvin Bragg, Jake Sullivan, Lisa Monaco, Mark Zaid, Norman Eisen and Andrew Weissman.Biden is no longer getting the daily brief.  Trump here is merely returning the discourtesy Biden did him. Before Biden, this was a traditional nicety extended by sitting presidents to ex-presidents. Biden is not merely a corrupt traitor, he is also rude.The 51 signers of the letter declaring the Hunter Biden laptop “disinformation” letter had their clearances revoked as well. This is at the directive of President Trump.

The Golden Transcendence 10: The Defeat

Posted March 6, 2025 By John C Wright

From THE GOLDEN TRANSCENDENCE, vol. III of my debut trilogy.

In the far future, the Golden Oecumene has elevated the immortals of the solar system to untrammeled triumphs of abundance, liberty, and splendor. But, hidden by masquerade, a sinister threat arises from the dark star Cygnus X1, man’s sole exosolar colony, the long-lost Silent Oecumene.

Phaethon of Rhadamanth, bedeviled and beguiled by agents of the Lords of the Silent Oecumene, returns from exile to confront them. He must battle them in the core of the Sun, the core of his mind and memory, and at the apex of all abstraction, when the Golden Transcendence gathers all minds in the solar system into one communion, and all truths are laid bare.

The Golden Transcendence Ep. 10: The Defeat

1 Comment

Epistle to Ansgar Letter 12: God and Beauty

Posted March 4, 2025 By John C Wright

05 March 2025 AD
Ash Wednesday

Dear Godson,

Ash Wednesday opens Lent, a season of repentance and fasting. The rite of placing ashes on the brow has it roots in the ancient Jewish practice of mourning and humility, and, earlier, the reminder from the days of Adam that man is risen from dust and returns to dust.

The beasts of the field, as best we know, have no forethought of their mortal span nor any  craving for eternal life. Devising memorials is no part of their lives, nor any admiration of beauty for its own sake.

Man gets a glimpse of eternity when his eye falls on beauty in nature, seeing star or diamond, moonrise or mountain, geyser, pine forest, rushing rill, rearing stallion, bright flower, sleek cat, beetle or butterfly or gurgling babe in joy, a damsel seen by candlelight turning her head just so, dark eyes softly gleaming.

Beauty reflects eternity, hence springs from God and leads back to Him.

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Review: Frieren Beyond Journey’s End

Posted March 3, 2025 By John C Wright

This column is mistitled, because this is not a review, but a recommendation. Disclaimer: I have only watched the first three episodes of FRIEREN, and my recommendation is based on the faith, not the certainty, that the remainder will maintain the quality of the beginning.

Foolish as it is to write a review based on the opening episode of a work, I am sufficiently impressed and wonder-struck to feel the need to describe and recommend it.

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Against the Mountains of Madness: Metaphysics Matters

Posted March 2, 2025 By John C Wright

New episode from AtMoM.
The driest of philosophical topics, and on of my favorite:

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