March 9, 2025 AD
Feast Day of St. Cunegundes
Dear Godson,
On this day we celebrate St. Cunegundes, who was crowned Empress by Pope Benedict VIII when her husband St. Henry, Duke of Bavaria and King of the Romans, was crowned Emperor. She was avowed to virginity, and, with his consent, lived in continence with him. Calumny accused her of adultery, but she was vindicated by a miraculous sign: walking across flaming iron ploughshares without injury. She ruled as regent in the interregnum after Henry’s death in 1024. Thereafter, she became a nun, entering a convent she herself had built, and turning from a life of pomp and power to prayer and humble labor.
In addition to walking across flaming hot iron without hurt, the story is told that when her maid fell asleep one night, an unwatched candle lit the bed afire. Waking up in the midst of the blaze, the Cunegundes made the sign of the cross and the flames immediately disappeared.
It is often argued by atheists that reports of miracles must be false, because miracles abridge the laws of nature; and because the laws of nature cannot be abridged by definition, miracles do not exist.
This argument is circular.
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