Raided her home, shot at her man, called her son retarded.
Vendetta is needed.
Drollery Archive
Fashion Statement
Posted January 20, 2025 By John C WrightSerious Tip on Writing from A Professional
Posted November 22, 2024 By John C WrightReprint from 2010:
One of my fellow writers reports that he calls a good writing session one where he ends up with more words than he started with. Any positive sum is a good day. “I have a tendency to open up my word processor, stare at the last few paragraphs in disgust, delete them, and close the file.”
Perhaps your problem is a lack of self-esteem, what we writers call “Writer’s Ego”. I found an easy means to combat low self-esteem. It is my habit to sing to myself in the mirror.
Fortunately, in our current all-surveillance society, the cameras in the bathroom at the Science Fiction Writers of America Guild Hall in Penury, New Jersey, allowed me to tape record one of my self-boosterism sessions. This was a few years ago, before I grew a beard and put on 300 pounds, and I just so happened to look exactly like the actor Robert Morse.
ROLL TAPE! Read the remainder of this entry »
Pic of the Day
Posted November 16, 2024 By John C WrightBREAKING NEWS:
Nov 13, 2024
President Joe Biden, Leader of the Free World and mankind’s final but failed hope against the now-inevitable dystopian deathfuture of Trumpofascist Handmaid’s Tale, shakes hands with the President-Elect, Mr. Literally Hitler, and promises a peaceful transfer of power to the autocratic super-tyrant, and a peaceful end to democracy, free elections, and human happiness here and worldwide forever.
In addition to the transfer of lawful and constitutional powers as is conferred to the chief executive and commander-in-chief, Biden promises a peaceful transfer of illegal, autocratic and absolute power.
Creator Ineffabilis
Posted October 4, 2024 By John C Wright“O Ineffable Creator, who, from the treasures of Your wisdom, have established three hierarchies of angels, have arrayed them in marvelous order above the fiery heavens, and have marshaled the regions of the universe with such artful skill. You are proclaimed the true font of light and wisdom, and the primal origin raised high beyond all things.
Pour forth a ray of Your brightness into the darkened places of my mind; disperse from my soul the twofold darkness into which I was born: sin and ignorance.
You make eloquent the tongues of infants. Refine my speech and pour forth upon my lips the goodness of Your blessing.
Grant to me keenness of mind, capacity to remember, skill in learning, subtlety to interpret, and eloquence in speech.
May You guide the beginning of my work, direct its progress, and bring it to completion, You who are true God and true Man, who live and reign, world without end.
*** *** ***
Quotes from DARKNESS AND LIGHT by Olaf Stapledon
Posted September 26, 2024 By John C WrightThis is a reprint of a column from 2011.
First, a word of background. I was clearing out old files, and came across this oddity: my own annotations and comments on a manuscript.
DARKNESS AND LIGHT by Olaf Stapledon was a novel I enjoyed, at least somewhat, in my youth, and I was favorably impressed with Olaf Stapledon’s breadth of imagination.
Rereading it with adult eyes, I am appalled.
This book was written in 1942, during the Second World War. It consists of a tale with no characters and no plot: or, rather, all mankind is the character, and all future history to the end of man or the abolition of man is the plot. With his characteristic Stapledonian gigantism and grandeur, the author escorts us down immensities, centuries and millennia flying past in a paragraph.
This is instead a history book of two fictional histories of the future, two branches of the time stream, one leading to darkness, and the other to light. As best I know, it is the first science fictional presentation of the theme of parallel and alternate timelines.
To my mind, Olaf Stapledon is nearly as inventive as HG Wells: galactic empires, dirigible planets, cosmic evolution, superhumanity, artificial elements, disembodied brains, and other basic science fiction tropes are his inventions. And yet he is rarely brought to mind as one of the founding giants of science fiction: Perhaps that is because his ideas were rarely brought to the public through radio or motion picture. There is no Orson Wells or George Pal that dramatized LAST AND FIRST MEN, or ODD JOHN, or SIRIUS before the ears and eyes of the general public.
The Narrator is an unidentified man of our era perceiving these things in a vision, perhaps the same man who performs a similar ‘framing sequence’ function in STARMAKER by the same author.
For the purposes of savaging him in this commentary, I called him ‘Olaf.’ Whether the opinions of Olaf the Narrator are the same as those of Olaf Stapledon the Author, I leave to wiser heads than mine.
Second, a word of explanation:
Any reader taken aback by the venom of my comments must understand that mine is akin to the fury of a fanboy scorned, of whom it is said Hell hath no Fury. Olaf Stapledon, if I may use the embarrassing metaphor, was a childhood crush of mine, an author beloved of my imagination.
But when I read him back then, in the innocence of youth, the political references sailed lightly over my head. Now that I am taller, they slap me in the face.
Wrong on So Many Levels
Posted June 9, 2024 By John C WrightEggcorns
Posted June 4, 2024 By John C WrightOur New Flag
Posted May 27, 2024 By John C WrightThe Last Crusade needs a banner, as does the Conservative movement in general, and all Tolkien-friendly Christian Men.
Maclaren the Highlander?
Posted March 31, 2024 By John C WrightWhat is Science Fiction?
Posted March 9, 2024 By John C WrightA piece of drollery from a decade ago, recently updated with clearer cover pictures. Reposted for the benefit of any readers who overlooked it back then. Enjoy!
WHAT IS SCIENCE FICTION? The final, complete and exhaustive definition!
Now that I am a world-famous international science fiction author (my sister lives in Australia, and I forced her to buy one of my books, so that is two nations, at least, where my books have sold) a fan letter has come pouring in. Just the other day, I went to the mailbox and got it.
Like all fan letters, this one raises a fascinating question that reaches to the very heart of the science fiction genre, and asks the expert opinion of John C. Wright, world-famous international science fiction author, about the nature and meaning of Science Fiction.
Let us peruse the contents of this thoughtful, nay, this adoring letter. The hero-worship heaped on me, John C. Wright, world-famous international science fiction author, while deserved, may strike some as being overly fulsome, but it is only to be expected from you, the little people, since I bring a such joy into your meaningless and unimportant yet pathetic lives with my immense talents and towering genius.
I think the fan letter is this first letter here in my mail bag:
Dear Sir, having been in arrears for your offtrack betting debts to Harry’s Happy House of Horse Play, the Family has determined to bypass normal legal action and garnishments, and send a gentleman from our collection department, “Gonad-Crusher” Guido Ugnolini to pay a call on you. Mr. Ugnolini has experience in both American and Sicilian correction facilities, multiple murder raps, and a tattoo. We are confident that you will be forthcoming after receiving his attentions.
Read the remainder of this entry »
I am Afraid I Can’t Do That, Dave
Posted February 29, 2024 By John C WrightA Crucial Topic: Wordle!
Posted November 2, 2023 By John C WrightAs we stand on the brink of world calamity, with threats of Nuclear War, Nuclear Winter, Climate Stasis, and the Great White Threat of Canadian totalitarianism rising up on the one border remining to the republic, not to mention whispered fear-choked rumors of an upcoming sequel to Ms. Marvel or a remake of Snow White, this writer believes now is the time to address an issue of far more moment and import:
For those of you who do not know, Wordle is a simple online game to guess a five-letter word in six tries. Letters turn gold if they are in the word, green if in the correct position. New game each day.
Yes, it was mostly luck, but I am elated unduly nonetheless, and wanted to tell any random passers-by who thought this blog only deals with weighty topics like economics, theology, philosophy, art and Space Princess dress codes in pulp novels.
Also: What are the best opening words?
Read the remainder of this entry »
Science Fiction and Simon the Magician
Posted October 8, 2023 By John C WrightHere I reprint of a column from years past, but still pertinent, or impertinent.
Let me propose a rather long essay and a slightly droll theory:
The aliens behind the Monolith in Arthur C. Clarke’s 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY are the same as the aliens signaling from Vega in Carl Sagan’s CONTACT. They both are part of the Galactic Overmind seeking the evolutionary transcendence of all life, and to elevate lesser races to maturity, as in CHILDHOOD’S END, also by Clarke.
On a less droll note, I am proposing that these works, and several others, are similar in their mood and theme and treatment of the plot elements, because they tacitly agree on a central myth.
It is a mythic thread that runs through much of science fiction from even before the golden age, and, if I am right about what this thread is, back two thousand years and more. Van Vogt and Heinlein and Asimov have all placed at least some of their stories in the service of this myth, the Great Myth.
Sci Fi Thinks on the Roman Empire Alot
Posted September 23, 2023 By John C WrightThere seems to be gossip (told half in jest, half in earnest, like most gossip) that has come to tickle womenfolk recently, to discover how often their menfolk think about the Roman Empire. As all but our women know, men ponder about this topic often. How could one not?
Here is an example from Twitter:
But no one yet has asked how often science fiction folk think about the Roman Empire.
Meme of the Day
Posted September 14, 2023 By John C Wright… Not to mention the 1975 Fall of Saigon revisited in self-imposed Afghanistan route in August of 2021