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Impossible Hope — the anthology, the fundraiser, the chat
Jagi, here.
John and I appeared on a Live Chat promoting the charity anthology, Impossible Hope, in which we both have a story.
Impossible Hope is an anthology which you can receive for free if you donate to the Go Fund Me for Bonnie Oliver, a young woman in need of an expensive medical procedure.
Her brother writes: My desire is to help my sister in any way I can. Being a man of modest means and resources, aside from being there for her and assisting whenever possible, there is little I can do alone. However, with help, I intend to do more. I was able to get in touch with a number of writers, all of whom have donated their time and effort and art for an Anthology of short stories, entitled “Impossible Hope”. Anyone who donates through here will receive a copy of the book as a thank you for their generosity.
You can see the fundraiser here.
And here is the Chat, with John, myself, the lovely A. M. Freeman, Ben Wheeler, and many more!