But what is their stance on the Pluto Question?
I must say I am very pleased to read about a feminist organization who is objecting to the way Sarah Palin is being treated in the mainstream media. http://news.yahoo.com/story/politico/20080909/pl_politico/20934. The group is called Women Count.
Unlike other feminist organizations which have taken up against Palin because of her conservative views, however, WomenCount says they’ll "work to stamp out sexism when we see it on the campaign trail."
"To paraphrase the words of one blogger who said it best over the weekend: We will defend Sarah Palin against misogynist smears not because we like her or support her, but because that’s how feminism works.
This reminds me of why I like loveable christophobic socialist drunk Chris Hitchens: though I disagree with his ideals, he is man enough to stand up for those ideals when the party around him abandon those ideals for temporary political gain.
What we really need is “Pluto Counts”. Now if we could only get several public watchdog groups or diseased occultists from the inbred Miskatonic hills to form a "Pluto Anti-Defamation" League, and lobby to have Pluto-Hatred decreed a thought-crime, and pass a law forcing everyone who says Pluto is not a Planet to labor in the slave-mines of Antarctica beneath our blasphemously shapeless Shuggoth overlords, I, for one, would welcome that.