This is a revision of a column from 2011, updated to the current decade.
At one time this link from from the ironically named led to an article entitled “Why Do Feminists Find Abstinence Intolerable.” The original seems to be missing, but here is a quote:
Rachel Kramer Bussel, a sex writer and leader in the sex-positive movement, believes that casual sex is “under attack”:
“There’s a world of difference between being branded a sex object and choosing to be one…I may like to get spanked until I scream, but I still deserve to be treated as an intelligent human being… Feminists are just like any other women, and it’d be a shame for us to hold back in a misguided attempt to live up to the legacies of Susan B. Anthony and Gloria Steinem.”
The article goes on to list other “sex positive” feminist kinks that the postrational postmodern postchristian ladies demand be treated as liberating choices for women: Rape fantasies, BDSM, Swinging, Polyamory, Fisting, Bukkake, Prostitution and all forms of Porn. (It deeply saddens me that the internet has allowed me to know what all these terms mean, who had no such Hollywoodian knowledge in my youth.)
The article is from 2011. In 2025, social media is currently showing boasts by an internet harlot that she has coupled with a record breaking number of men in record time, outperforming even Empress Messalina at her most depraved.
Sex-positivity is newspeak for harlotry. We live in an era when prostitution, adultery, sluttish behavior is lauded, and chastity condemned. Ironically, this is done in the name of freedom.
The modern notion of freedom is an assertion of nothingness. Freedom is the lack of impediment to the willpower.
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