Not Tired of Winning Yet CLXXXIII

Posted December 13, 2024 By John C Wright

Two items:

from the Christian Post News

For the first time in history, a Nativity scene was displayed on the steps of the U.S. Capitol Tuesday

The display, accompanied by prayer, Christmas carols and a reading of the Christmas story, was made possible by a landmark federal court decision that granted Rev. Patrick Mahoney and his supporters the right to peacefully celebrate the Christmas season on Capitol grounds.

Held on the southeastern steps of the Capitol, the display was the culmination of a legal battle (Mahoney v. United States Capitol Police Board, et al) that began over a decade ago when Mahoney, director of the Washington, D.C.-based Christian Defense Coalition, was arrested for his attempts to read the Christmas story from the Bible and hold a Nativity display at the Capitol Christmas tree.



The Satanic Temple (based on Salem, Massachusetts, naturally) received a permit to erect a monument of yellow-eyed goat-headed Baphomet near the city’s Nativity scene by the Statehouse. This was done in the name of “pluralism.”

Baphomet was unveiled on Saturday night, and police believe it was vandalized some time between early Sunday morning and Monday afternoon. Only the legs of the black mannequin remained upright. The torso was fallen, and the head decapitated.

I have thrice attempted to display a photo of Baphomet, and each time my computer glitched and would not cooperate. I am just superstitious enough to believe in Occam’s Razor, and so will make no further attempt. But the thing is eerie and hideous as a prop from a horror film, not even a real idol to which an honest pagan might bow. It is a symbol of pure mockery, hatred for Christ.

A spokesman for Concord police confirmed that they responded to the scene Monday and could be investigating the incident as a hate crime.

We live in a world where assassins are lionized for killing innocent businessmen, and lusted after as sex objects, but heroes who save women and children from a smelly, dangerous, drug-addled lunatic on a subway are demonized without limit.

So why not have iconoclasm denounced as a “hate crime”, when the idol being smashed is a living lord of hate from the deeps of hell? Why not have gentle pastors preaching the Christmas story from the capitol steps arrested?

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The Phoenix Exultant Ep. 37: Twelfth’s Night Eve

Posted December 11, 2024 By John C Wright

From THE PHOENIX EXULTANT, vol. II of my debut trilogy.

In the far future, where men are as gods, living lives of perfect peace and prosperity, Phaethon of Rhadamanthus discovers all memory of his lifework has been hidden from him. For he is the engineer of the sole starship his civilization has ever produced: the mighty, majestic, and immense Phoenix Exultant. She is a ship to conquer the stars.

But such ambition is outlawed in utopia. Phaethon is a pariah, exiled mentally and physically, denuded of possessions, and cast down among outcasts. His life is sought by sinister agents of the Silent Oecumene: an apocalyptic menace none but he dares see. For in a world where mind or memory can be edited at will, what is truth?

The Phoenix Exultant Ep. 37: Twelfth’s Night Eve

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Murphy’s War by Stephen G Johnson

Posted December 11, 2024 By John C Wright

These are books by a personal friend of mine, Steven G. Johnson, which I am willing to recommend just on the strength of his role playing games he moderated back when we were in school together. He knows how to cobble together a fun, fast-moving action-adventure plot.

Operation Vampire

Operation Reaper
Operation Zombie
Operation Werewolf

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Not Tired of Winning Yet CLXXXII

Posted December 5, 2024 By John C Wright

Victor Willis, the singer-songwriter behind the famous YMCA song by  The Village People announced it to be no gay anthem, nor ever was. The words below are his:.




To Village People fans and the media:

I am the singer and writer of the lyrics to the hit Y.M.C.A. In fact, as was adjudicated and ruled in a U.S. District Court, I wrote 100% of the lyrics, and my writing partner, Jacques Morali, wrote the music.

Since 2020, I’ve received over a thousand complaints about President Elect Trump’s use of Y.M.C.A. With that many complaints, I decided to ask the President Elect to stop using Y.M.C.A. because his use had become a nuisance to me.

However, the use continued because the Trump campaign knew they had obtained a political use license from BMI and absent that license being terminated, they had every right to continue using Y.M.C.A. And they did.

In fact, I started noticing numerous artists withdrawing the President Elect’s use of their material. But by the time I said to my wife one day, Hey, Trump seems to genuinely like Y.M.C.A. and he’s having a lot of fun with it.

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The Phoenix Exultant Ep. 36: Transit to Mercury

Posted December 4, 2024 By John C Wright

From THE PHOENIX EXULTANT, vol. II of my debut trilogy.

In the far future, where men are as gods, living lives of perfect peace and prosperity, Phaethon of Rhadamanthus discovers all memory of his lifework has been hidden from him. For he is the engineer of the sole starship his civilization has ever produced: the mighty, majestic, and immense Phoenix Exultant. She is a ship to conquer the stars.

But such ambition is outlawed in utopia. Phaethon is a pariah, exiled mentally and physically, denuded of possessions, and cast down among outcasts. His life is sought by sinister agents of the Silent Oecumene: an apocalyptic menace none but he dares see. For in a world where mind or memory can be edited at will, what is truth?

The Phoenix Exultant Ep. 36: Transit to Mercury

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Epistles to Ansgar: Letter 08 God and Design

Posted December 3, 2024 By John C Wright

2 December AD 2024,
First Sunday in Advent

Dear Godson,

Today is the onset of Advent, the season of penitential waiting, filled with sorrow for our sins but overfilled with joyful hope in the coming of the Lord.

We have lit the first candle of the Advent wreath, named the prophecy candle and which stands for hope. So it behooves us to stand ready to answer to every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you.

The main criticism by atheists is that our hope in based on faith, that all faith in supernatural things is blind faith, merely a misplaced trust in tale too fantastic and silly to be true, like belief in the Tooth Fairy, or in UFOs.

In a prior letter, we have seen that faith is a cure for undue doubt, for irrational doubt.

We have seen that faith is not merely a mood or sentiment where one treats something as certain which the reason says is uncertain: faith is an act of the will to put aside doubts the reason says are doubtful doubts, irrational doubts, night-terrors or childish fears, or, in the case of the atheist, and irrational argument against the self-evident prompted by pride, or some other human weakness.

Faith is sticking to your guns once you have already been convinced by reason and experience.

Reasonable doubts can be answered with reason.

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A World without Dogwhistles

Posted November 30, 2024 By John C Wright
I was trying to tell my children what it was like to live in a society where no one, and I mean NO ONE, noticed, mentioned, or applauded or condemned a man based on his skin color. We did not notice it any more than we noticed hair color.
The only “racism” in those days was as mild and milquetoast as “dumb blonde” jokes, or the stereotype that redheads were hot-tempered.

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Phalanxes of Fourier

Posted November 29, 2024 By John C Wright

A reader with the Edwardian but yummy name of Ed Pie asks why so many of the utopian communities founded in antebellum America were called “Phalanxes.”

The term comes from an early socialist writer Charles Fourier.

He envisioned a world organized into thousand-man work cooperatives called Phalanxes housed in uniform dormitories called Phalansteres.

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Historic Failures of Applied Socialism (Excerpt)

Posted November 29, 2024 By John C Wright

Apropos of our Thanksgiving column recounting the failure of the Mayflower pilgrims to enact the vain conceit of Plato to hold all property in common, we may eye this partial list of similar failures, and note not a single corresponding counterexample anywhere in all the annals of any tribe, tongue, people or nation. 

The text below is quoted from Historic Failures in Applied Socialism by Hon. Daniel J. Ryan (1921). 

The words below are his

  • A Catalogue of Failures

Over fifty years ago, John Humphrey Noyes, the founder of The Oneida Community, wrote a History of American Socialisms from which I have excerpted freely the facts that follow. Says he, “Though they may be faulty in some details, we are confident that the general idea they give of the attempts and experiences of American Socialists, will not be far from the truth.”

He gives the experiments of the Owen epoch as follows:

  1. Blue Spring Community; Indiana; no particulars, except that it lasted “but a short time. “
  2. Co-operative Society; Pennsylvania; no particulars.
  3. Coxsackie Community; New York; capital “small”; “very much in debt”; duration between one and two years.
  4. Forrestville Community; Indiana; “over 60 members”; 325 acres of land; duration more than a year.
  5. Franklin Community; New York; no particulars.
  6. Haverstraw Community; New York; about 80 members; 120 acres; debt $ 12,000; duration five months.
  7. Kendal Community; Ohio; 200 members; 200 acres; duration about two years.
  8. New Harmony; Indiana; 900 members; 30,000 acres, worth $ 150,000; duration nearly three years.
  9. Nashoba, Tennessee; 15 members; 2,000 acres; duration about three years.
  10. Yellow Springs Community; Ohio; 75 to 100 families; duration three months.

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Tunnel of Death in the London Underground

Posted November 29, 2024 By John C Wright

This is something directly from a Robert W Chambers horror story starring the King in Yellow, penned in the Victorian Era. He predicted the suicide booth.

In the following winter began that agitation for the repeal of the laws prohibiting suicide which bore its final fruit in the month of April, 1920, when the first Government Lethal Chamber was opened on Washington Square.

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Thanksgiving: The Vanity of Plato’s Conceit

Posted November 28, 2024 By John C Wright

As a public service, we reprint this column for any readers who may have missed it.


For this Thanksgiving, let us give thanks for the lesson learned by the Pilgrims in the first harsh years of their colony.

The real history of the Mayflower Pilgrims was recounted by their leader, William Bradford, in his book Of Plymouth Plantation (1647).

The words below are his, where he explains how, at first the colonists attempted to hold all property in common:

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2024 Black Friday/Cyber Monday Based Book Sale

Posted November 27, 2024 By John C Wright

From our our Aether Czar, Hans Schantz

Once again, it’s that special time of year when based authors take a moment away from their Thanksgiving plans to band together and promote each other’s work: books without the diversity checklists, woke tropes, and cultural programming of mainstream traditionally published stories.

Bypass the cultural gatekeeping, support non-woke authors, and get yourself some great based books from both established and emerging talent for only $0.99 – many titles free – but only for one week! The sale starts today, and it runs through Tuesday December 3.

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Not Tired of Winning Yet CLXXXI

Posted November 27, 2024 By John C Wright

President Trump just confirmed that the United States has successfully negotiated a ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah.

Trump is not even in the White House.

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Not Tired of Winning Yet CLXXX

Posted November 26, 2024 By John C Wright

I list this as a Trump victory, as this social change would not have happened, or perhaps could not have been allowed, were the New World Order Deathcult power not now in retreat.

The following major companies have retracted or disbanded their DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) political officers.

Political officers govern hiring, promotion, and disciplinary actions based solely on political considerations, related to social engineering theory, not based on the economical viability of the company, nor its mission to serve stockholders by making profits, nor its mission to make sales by serving customers.

In this case, DEI is a branch of Cultural Marxism directing its energies toward anti-white race-hatred, anti-man sexual discrimination, Sodomy, Pederasty, and the promotion of autogynophiliac fetishists. (A disturbing number of mass murderers are obsessed with sexual fantasies of being or becoming the opposite sex, including the Unibomber, School shooter Aiden Hale, and more.)

Here is a partial list.

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Mi-Go Journalism

Posted November 26, 2024 By John C Wright
I could not watch the whole clip, despite it being less than a minute. I choked on the falsehoods, and my vision swam with indignation.
I used to work in journalism, first as a newspaperman, then as an editor. I can solemnly assure you from the bottom of my heart that this creature is lying, and everything he says is a lie.
I call him a creature because he has foresworn his humanity. I suspect he is a lizard-being from Alpha Draconis, or Mi-Go, merely wearing a human mask of clever waxworks, with prosthetic appliances to mimic human hands or voice.

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