Not Blue or Red — but Golden

Posted October 21, 2024 By John C Wright

For those of you following recent political burger joint events, Trump passed out free French fries at a local McDonald’s in Bucks County, PA, after being shown how to work the fry station.

The man has the common touch. Like kissing babies, adroit politicians imitate, a love for the little guy, an admiration for the workingman. Trump has these qualities authentically.

The Leftists in the media reacted as their stereotype dictated: accuse, accuse, accuse and belittle. “Nazi leader Trump claims the water is wet and fire burns, but offered no evidence to support this false lying and false claim.”

The Leftists called a publicity stunt a stunt and claim that a staged event was staged. As if the manager and staff at the store were blissfully unaware of the titanic crowd outside, the gaggle of press at the drive-thru, the secret service at all entrances, the camera crew and the president of the United States in the fry cook station.

As if politicians never before stage-managed a publicity stunt. The difference here, is that this stunt was master-class trolling, emphasizing the difference between the two candidates. Trump comes across as immensely likeable and genial, and he talks to everyone, worldleaders and fry cooks, the same way.

Kamala, meanwhile, was telling a youth who cried out “Jesus is King!” that he was at the wrong rally — and should go find a smaller rally down the street. (If this is a reference to Trump’s rallies, it is shockingly tin-eared. Trump draws unprecedented crowds, and it is nakedly absurd to pretend otherwise.)

But as a writer, I must also admire the artistry of how the franchise handled the firestorm of artificial controversy ginned up by the Pravda press.

Below is their internal memo.

“We are not red or blue — we are golden.” This is clever, conciliatory, and nonpartisan. Unlike other brands, McDonald’s is willing to “shut up and fry.”

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Sunday Superversive Livestream: Starquest

Posted October 20, 2024 By John C Wright


Livestream tonight (10/20/2024) on Ben Wheeler’s Superversive podcast. I will be discussing my latest Space Opera.

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Star Wars Better Than Star Wars

Posted October 16, 2024 By John C Wright

I am being interviewed by Jon Del Aroz, the leading Hispanic voice in science fiction, and the darkest of dark lords, Vox Day. We discuss wokeness, madness, and my new book SPACE PIRATES of ANDROMEDA.

Was podcast live at 7.00pm on Wednesday, 10/17 of 2024 AD.

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The Phoenix Exultant Ep. 30: The Enemy

Posted October 16, 2024 By John C Wright

From THE PHOENIX EXULTANT, vol. II of my debut trilogy.

In the far future, where men are as gods, living lives of perfect peace and prosperity, Phaethon of Rhadamanthus discovers all memory of his lifework has been hidden from him. For he is the engineer of the sole starship his civilization has ever produced: the mighty, majestic, and immense Phoenix Exultant. She is a ship to conquer the stars.

But such ambition is outlawed in utopia. Phaethon is a pariah, exiled mentally and physically, denuded of possessions, and cast down among outcasts. His life is sought by sinister agents of the Silent Oecumene: an apocalyptic menace none but he dares see. For in a world where mind or memory can be edited at will, what is truth?

The Phoenix Exultant Ep. 30: The Enemy

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Taller Than the Saturn V

Posted October 16, 2024 By John C Wright

Photo of the Day. This is not the cover of one of the science fiction magazines of my youth. This is here, now.

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Quote from Cortez

Posted October 15, 2024 By John C Wright

Bernal Diaz, who served under Cortes, in The Conquest of New Spain, wrote:

“The dismal drum of Huichilobos [Huitzilopochtli] sounded again, accompanied by conches, horns and trumpet-like instruments. It was a terrifying sound, and when we looked at the tall cue from which it came we saw our comrades who had been captured in Cortes’ defeat being dragged up the steps to be sacrificed.

“When they had hauled them up to a small platform in front of the shrine where they kept their accursed idols, we saw them put plumes on the heads of many of them; and they made them dance with a sort of fan in front of Huichilobos.

“Then after they had danced, the papas laid them down on their backs on some narrow stones of sacrifice and, cutting open their chests, drew out their palpitating hearts, which they offered to the idols before them… ” (The Conquest of New Spain, volume II, chapter 152).

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On Columbus Day

Posted October 14, 2024 By John C Wright

Let me voice my vexed conclusions regarding the ongoing denigration by the self-anointed Elite of Columbus Day.

In the same way gratitude is the only attitude toward creation which makes the existence of any mortal in creation endurable, if not joyful, so ingratitude is the only attitude certain to despoil what joy one has. Even Eve was ungrateful for the blessings of Eden, or else she would not have been tempted to know more.

The ingratitude toward Columbus, however, is pitch-perfect in its archetypal self-destructiveness.

Those who hate Columbus hate themselves.

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Posted October 14, 2024 By John C Wright

From our own CPE Gaebler, who helped fund the writing:

Far in the future, in a galaxy not so far away…

Starquest was sold to me as a loving homage to Star Wars, but a fresh and renewed approach to the theme; as a fan of both Star Wars and the author, I had to try it.

I had high expectations, but was still blown away. The prologue alone got me hooked on the first book; Book 1 got me hooked on the series.

The theme is Space Opera more than it is Science Fiction.

Theoretically, the spaceships and supertechnology have a hand-wavey physical explanation. But the author does not waste your time explaining them, as the priority is the finer things in stories: Adventure, Romance, Revenge, Pirates, Space Princesses, and the Annihilation of Entire Planets.

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MARS OR BUST! or, Not Tired of Winning Yet CLXXII

Posted October 13, 2024 By John C Wright

This is the future I was promised as a child.

Absolutely gargantuan. Towering almost 400 feet, the first stage alone is 240 foot tall. This is by far the most powerful rocket ever built, dwarfing even the mighty Saturn V.

Had I written this in a science fiction story, even ANALOG magazine would have scoffed. Who launches a heavy booster and catches it again with Mechagodzilla-sized chopsticks?

Because of Musk’s political support for a politician who would prevent government from stopping such efforts, the current regime has overloaded the efforts with bureaucratic red tape, in an effort to stop this effort.

Because Elon has joined MAGA, and because this is a triumph of the American spirit over the vampiric, dream-killing, progress-reversing, envy-riddled spirit of the Anti-America, i.e. Progressivism, I am listing this as NOT TIRED OF WINNING in my column.

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The Phoenix Exultant Ep. 29: Flying Suits

Posted October 9, 2024 By John C Wright

From THE PHOENIX EXULTANT, vol. II of my debut trilogy.

In the far future, where men are as gods, living lives of perfect peace and prosperity, Phaethon of Rhadamanthus discovers all memory of his lifework has been hidden from him. For he is the engineer of the sole starship his civilization has ever produced: the mighty, majestic, and immense Phoenix Exultant. She is a ship to conquer the stars.

But such ambition is outlawed in utopia. Phaethon is a pariah, exiled mentally and physically, denuded of possessions, and cast down among outcasts. His life is sought by sinister agents of the Silent Oecumene: an apocalyptic menace none but he dares see. For in a world where mind or memory can be edited at will, what is truth?

The Phoenix Exultant Ep. 29: Flying Suits

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The Green Hornet

Posted October 8, 2024 By John C Wright

A reprint of a Radio Play review from ten years past, presented again for any readers who may have missed it. Links and some text updated. 


It was listening to a radio play series that convinced me that Marvel Comics is science fiction and DC is fantasy.

It also convinced me to become a great fan of the Green Hornet, a relatively minor character as far as the pantheon of popular superheroes go, to whom I previously never paid much heed.

Erenow, I knew only three things about the Green Hornet. The first was that the Green Hornet television show was when the famed martial arts action star Bruce Lee was introduced to American audiences. Bruce Lee was given the role of Kato, the ju-jitsu using chauffeur of the masked vigilante — and that he was absurdly overqualified for the role.

The second thing I knew was that the same producer who made the 1966 – 68 BATMAN television show such a popular success, William Dozier, was put in charge of the GREEN HORNET television show, and it was a great failure as much as BATMAN was a great success. I have heard many people speculating about why the first was a success and the second was a failure over the years.

Indeed, I remember it being mentioned once as a bit of realistic background detail in a novel I read in my youth, whose title and author I have since forgotten, concerning a comic book artist haunted by his memories of the Hitlerian War.

But I can state that I have found an answer that satisfies me, at least.  The answer was the radio play was really quite good, and suited the kind of story the Green Hornet character was created to fit. More on this below.

The third and final thing I knew about the 2011 Green Hornet was that the movie starring Seth Rogan was an abomination. More on this below as well.

So this review has three points to cover: to describe the radio play and the origins of the character; to explain the failure of the modern television version; to condemn the postmodern ultra-failure of the movie version.

And, incidentally, to explain why, by and large, Marvel Comics characters like Spider-Man are actually Science Fiction, whereas DC characters like Superman are Fantasy. Read the remainder of this entry »

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Appearing NOW on Geek Gab Podcast

Posted October 7, 2024 By John C Wright

John C. Wright is a guest on Geek Gab.

If you log on as of the time of this writing, you can ask questions in the chat.

Otherwise, view it later at your leisure.


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Reminder: A Deathcult is a Cult

Posted October 7, 2024 By John C Wright

May longtime readers forgive me, for this a topic previously discussed, ad nauseam. But, given recent events, perhaps a repetition is in order.

Marxism is a religion, as it has the properties all religions have in common: (1) an explanation or myth to explain the human condition (2) which imposes moral duties on its adherents (3) which, at times, are paramount above all worldly duties.

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Creator Ineffabilis

Posted October 4, 2024 By John C Wright

“O Ineffable Creator, who, from the treasures of Your wisdom, have established three hierarchies of angels, have arrayed them in marvelous order above the fiery heavens, and have marshaled the regions of the universe with such artful skill. You are proclaimed the true font of light and wisdom, and the primal origin raised high beyond all things.

Pour forth a ray of Your brightness into the darkened places of my mind; disperse from my soul the twofold darkness into which I was born: sin and ignorance.

You make eloquent the tongues of infants. Refine my speech and pour forth upon my lips the goodness of Your blessing.

Grant to me keenness of mind, capacity to remember, skill in learning, subtlety to interpret, and eloquence in speech.

May You guide the beginning of my work, direct its progress, and bring it to completion, You who are true God and true Man, who live and reign, world without end.


***   ***   ***

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Prayer Request

Posted October 3, 2024 By John C Wright
A prayer request from a longtime reader:
A friend of mine knows this 7-year-old who could really use a miracle, his name is Moises, his doctors had advised for him to be aborted, his health is in poor condition and his family is running out of medical options to support him. 
The family is asking God for a miracle by way of Bl. Luisa Piccarreta, praying the attached prayer every day in October and asking for a miracle on Moises’ behalf.
Any prayers that could be sent on Moises behalf would be greatly appreciated
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