Puppy Sadness Syndrome Archive

To George RR Martin: See? It Is Not That Hard

Posted January 16, 2025 By John C Wright

And in another story, Larry Correia dedicated his latest book to George RR Martin with a tongue in cheek quip, and social media headploded on him. He fisks one of the several libels against him here:

The words below are his:

I haven’t done a Fisking in a while! But to be fair I haven’t infuriated the internet this much in several months. My crime? I dedicated the sixth and final book (which comes out February) of my epic fantasy series to George RR Martin.

The original article will be in italics and my responses will be in bold.


Fantasy author taunts Game of Thrones creator George R.R. Martin in his new book

Story by Dan Selcke

 • 23h • 3 min read

Yeah, 3 minutes to read, 10 minutes for me to point out all the bullshit in it.

George R.R. Martin is the author of the A Song of Ice and Fire series, which was adapted for TV as Game of Thrones.

Which made George one of the wealthiest and most famous writers in human history, but we’ll get back to that part.

Only the producers behind Game of Thrones had to finish the story before Martin finished the source material; he released the last book in his series, A Dance With Dragons, way back in 2011. Fans have been waiting for the sixth book, The Winds of Winter, for over a decade at this point.

That’s a nice way of saying that babies who were born when the last book came out are now learning to drive.

It continues in like vein. On a personal note, I was alarmed and disappointed to see repeated by the MSM libels and lies about Sad Puppies long since exploded, nonchalantly recited there. Falsehoods never die.

Please read the whole thing here.

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From the Vault: Interview with Nerd HQ

Posted April 5, 2024 By John C Wright

Join me for a stroll down memory lane: not a long stroll, merely to AD 2019, when yours truly was interviewed by NerdHQ regarding the Sad Puppies kerfuffle touching the Hugo Awards of a year or so prior. I reprint to amuse any readers who might not have seen it at the time, and as an sober reminder of how little things have changed since. 

Q: What do you think is the primary artistic/cultural difference between the pro-Sad Puppies and anti-Sad Puppies camps?  What is the primary political/ideological difference between the two groups?

JCW: The two camps are divided by a very clear and deep difference, which is neither artistic nor cultural. It has some political aspects, but the difference is more fundamental than any disagreement over laws and policies. There are ideological excuses given for motives, but the true motives run deeper, to the very core of the soul, and ideology is only a surface feature.

The divide is a religious war.

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Queen of the Tyrant Lizards By John C Wright

Posted April 15, 2022 By John C Wright
This work first appeared in THE BOOK OF FEASTS AND SEASONS published by Castalia House. Reprinted here for the purposes of commentary.

Queen of the Tyrant Lizards

By John C Wright

There was no time. That is the first thing to remember. I did not know what was about to happen. That is the second thing to remember.

Imagine a time line. Select a zero point. To one side is an infinity of tomorrow, starting with positive one. To the other is an infinity of yesterday, starting with negative one. But between the positive and the negative infinities, what is there? Less than nothing, less than half of nothing, a pinprick, a dot, a point, less time than it takes to decide to murder them all.

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If You Were a Dinosaur My Love by Rachel Swirsky

Posted April 14, 2022 By John C Wright

Please see the original at Apex Magazine

Reprinted here for the purposes of commentary. The copyright is held by the original owner.

If You Were A Dinosaur My Love

By Rachel Swirsky

If you were a dinosaur, my love, then you would be a T-Rex. You’d be a small one, only five feet, ten inches, the same height as human-you. You’d be fragile-boned and you’d walk with as delicate and polite a gait as you could manage on massive talons. Your eyes would gaze gently from beneath your bony brow-ridge.

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No Award (Part Eight) Finale

Posted April 14, 2022 By John C Wright
This article first appeared on the now-defunct NerdHQ blog.

“No Award”

The Hugo Awards, Sad Puppies, and Sci-Fi/Fantasy Literature
Part VIII: Is Reconciliation Possible?

By Chris Chan

This is 8 in 8 hence the last in a series of articles.

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No Award (Part Seven)

Posted April 7, 2022 By John C Wright
This article first appeared on the now-defunct NerdHQ blog.

“No Award”

The Hugo Awards, Sad Puppies, and Sci-Fi/Fantasy Literature
Part VII: What is a Hugo Nominator to Do?

By Chris Chan

This is 7 in 8 in a series of articles.

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No Award (Part Six)

Posted April 4, 2022 By John C Wright
This article first appeared on the now-defunct NerdHQ blog.

“No Award”

The Hugo Awards, Sad Puppies, and Sci-Fi/Fantasy Literature

By Chris Chan

This is 6 in 8 in a series of articles.

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No Award (Part Five)

Posted March 31, 2022 By John C Wright
This article first appeared on the now-defunct NerdHQ blog.

“No Award”

The Hugo Awards, Sad Puppies, and Sci-Fi/Fantasy Literature
Part V: A Look at the Hugo Voting Numbers

By Chris Chan

This is 5 of 8 in a series of articles.

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No Award (Part Four)

Posted March 29, 2022 By John C Wright
This article first appeared on the now-defunct NerdHQ blog.

“No Award”

The Hugo Awards, Sad Puppies, and Sci-Fi/Fantasy Literature
Part IV: It’s Not Just the Hugos–
How Similar Issues are Shaking Up Other Awards, Literary Culture, and Fandom

By Chris Chan

This is 4 of 8 in a series of articles.

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No Award (Part Three)

Posted March 25, 2022 By John C Wright
This article first appeared on the now-defunct NerdHQ blog.

“No Award”

The Hugo Awards, Sad Puppies, and Sci-Fi/Fantasy Literature
Part III: Myths, Realities, and Controversies of the Sad Puppies and the Hugos

By Chris Chan

This is 3 of 8 in a series of articles.

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No Award (Part Two)

Posted March 21, 2022 By John C Wright
This article first appeared on the now-defunct NerdHQ blog.

“No Award”

The Hugo Awards, Sad Puppies, and Sci-Fi/Fantasy Literature
Part II: A Short History of the Sad Puppies at the Hugos

By Chris Chan

This is 2 of 8 in a series of articles.

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No Award (Part One)

Posted March 17, 2022 By John C Wright

The following is a guest column by Chris Chan,  the first of eight parts, to be published in this space over the next few weeks. The topic is a tidbit of inglorious Science Fiction fandom history in which I played a small part, known of old as the Sad Puppies Kerfuffle, and hence might be of interest to my readers.

*** *** ***

This article first appeared on the now-defunct NerdHQ blog.

“No Award”

The Hugo Awards, Sad Puppies, and Sci-Fi/Fantasy Literature
Part I: What’s Happening with the Hugos?

By Chris Chan



This is the first of a series of articles, serving as an overview of one of the biggest controversies to divide fans of science fiction and fantasy in recent years.  It’s the story of clashing perspectives and strong opinions, and how literature and fandom can both unite and divide.  It is the hope of this author that these articles can serve as a means of building bridges and mending fences.  However, given the vitriolic emotions in some quarters, this may be too optimistic a hope.

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Abortion Ritual

Posted September 7, 2021 By John C Wright

From Fox News

Satanic Temple joins backlash against Texas abortion law

The Temple pledges to ‘highlight religious hypocrisy and encroachment on religious freedom’

A group of Satanists is bedeviling the restrictive new abortion law in Texas.

The Satanic Temple, a religious group based in Salem, Massachusetts, has joined the backlash against the measure, which bans abortion after six weeks and allows anyone to file $10,000 lawsuits against those who help violate it.

The organization lobbied the FDA to provide abortion pills to its Texas members, arguing it qualifies as an exemption as a faith-based group that supports the procedure, according to The San Antonio Current.

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Witches Today

Posted October 18, 2018 By John C Wright

Saw this in the news:

A coven of New York witches is holding a public ceremony next week to cast a hex on Justice Brett Kavanaugh, in what Tucker Carlson described as the latest left-wing effort to stop his rise to the high court.

“Liberal Sherpa” Cathy Areu said the hexing will take place in Brooklyn, and that it will include an optional $10 donation to take part.

Carlson said part of the proceeds will go to Planned Parenthood, to “fund their own human sacrifice rituals.”

In other news, Representative Kyrsten Sinema, the Democratic Senate nominee in Arizona, invited a group of pagan witches to an anti-war rally in the early 2000s.

Hmm. So this is the face of the Democrat Party these days, eh?

Let us turn to the wisest of the wiseacres, Supreme Leader of the Multiverse, His Glabrousity, Andrew Klavan, for his comment:

Witches will be gathering in Brooklyn, New York this weekend to attempt to cast a spell on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. I could not possibly have made that up. The witches will gather at Catland Books, which says it is Brooklyn’s premiere occult bookshop and spiritual community space, so if you find yourself in one of Brooklyn’s lesser occult bookshops and spiritual community spaces then you’ve come to the wrong spiritual community space.

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Dragon Award Nominations Still Open!

Posted June 20, 2017 By John C Wright

What do I recommend for the Dragon Awards this year?

This year I have corrected COUNT TO INFINITY, have written, submitted, rewritten, corrected SWAN KNIGHT’S SON, FEAST OF THE ELFS, SWAN KNIGHT’S SWORD, as well as DAUGHTER OF DANGER, CITY OF CORPSES and four volumes of my pulp novel SUPERLUMINARY, written and submitted TITHE TO TARTARUS, and begun work on LOST ON THE LAST CONTINENT and on NOWHITHER: DROWNED WORLD.

That is a pretty hefty writing schedule for one year. Consequently, I have read exactly two and one half books for my own pleasure that are in the genre. So I have no idea what to recommend is deserving of a Dragon Award.

But, fortunately, I am a member of an evil conspiracy of people who want to restore science fiction awards to science fiction writers on the merit of their science fiction, not on the merit (or otherwise) of books pandering to various fringe psychopathies, sexual neuroses, hysteria, paranoiac delusion, and freakish sociopathies disguised as an abortive political ideology.

As the Grand Inquisitor of the Evil Legion of Evil Authors, I can merely pass along the suggestions of our infernal Darkest of Dark Lords, the Red Savage aka Darth Vox Day. The suggestions below are his, not mine, and I pass them along, hoping to garner votes for SWAN KNIGHT’S SON.

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