The Pope in Africa
An interesting article on National Review Online about His Holiness Pope Benedict’s visit to Africa, and the (as expected) public displays of ignorance by the mainstream press on the matter. Ignoring everything but the particular object of their obsession, the mainstream press dismisses the Holy Father as being unrealistic and out of touch when it comes to the Church teaching on condom use. The argument is that people must have sex under any and all conditions, even at the risk of their lives, and their behavior cannot be modified; and furthermore that condoms prevent the spread of AIDS. (Both claims are false-to-facts, even simpleminded, but the reality-based community congratulates themselves on being rational, progressive and scientific about the matter.)
One interesting point made here, and notunrelated to an earlier conversation in this space, is that many Africans do not want to use condoms to hinder the spread of AIDS because — wait for it — they are married polygamists trying to get their wives pregnant. In other words, they are not engaging in what the Progressives call ‘sex’ (because when they use the word they mean seeking sexual gratification with a short term partner). They are engaging in what sane people call ‘sex’ (because when we use that we, are engaging in the act of sexual reproduction aiming at, or at least open to, sexual reproduction).
Hm. Let us see what Merlin the Magician says about what Progressives call sex: