Reviewer Praise for SOMEWHITHER
From the pen of Benjamin Wheeler.
Read the whole thing here:
This book is almost the perfect book. I want the deep philosophical questions, the damsels in distress, the sword fights. I was getting frustrated when Ilya was having trouble getting through the various troubles in his way. Not in the bad way, but rather, just a sort of ‘Come oooonnn, maaaann!” sorta deal. Towards the end, especially at the Fated Weapons Armory, he starts to get it, and the book improves greatly in terms of the Main Character department.
A great read, a great thinking piece and great villains in one package to benefit of all. We are not slaves when we do good! So buy the book!
PS. Should Castalia House put out a hardcover as they did with Awake in the Night Land, I would buy it in an Instant!