Do you believe that criminals and domestic abusers should be able to buy guns without background checks?
No background check ever stopped a criminal from getting his hands on a gun. When they steal them out of cop cars and FBI vans, they don’t leave a 4473 on the seat, and the ATF has never received a 4473 from the local dope house. And given the ever-loosening definition of “domestic abuser”, I’ve got reservations there, too.
What is your proposal for keeping guns away from criminals, domestic abusers, terrorists and dangerously mentally ill people?
Since domestic abuse is a crime, and since terrorism is a crime, let me tighten that up for you: “What is your proposal for keeping guns away from criminals and dangerously mentally ill people?
Easy. When they are convicted of a crime, stick their arses in prison.
Do you believe that a background check infringes on your constitutional right to “keep and bear arms”?
Do you believe that I and people with whom I work intend to ban your guns?
If yes to #4, how do you think that could happen ( I mean the physical action)?
The same way you banned guns in New York. The same way you banned guns in Chicago. The same way you banned guns in Washington DC. Duh.