Not Tired of Winning XCIV

Some observers call this a greater victory, of more significance, even than the end of Bin Laden or al-Baghdadi.

From the Wall Street Journal:

Qassem Soleimani, the architect of Iran’s shadow wars and military expansion in the Middle East that brought the Islamic Republic to the brink of conflict with the U.S., has been killed. He was 62.

Maj. Gen. Soleimani was killed in a U.S. airstrike when traveling in a convoy to Baghdad. The U.S. Department of Defense said Gen. Soleimani was targeted after intelligence learned that Iran was actively developing plans to attack U.S. servicemen and diplomats in the region.

From The Atlantic:

“General Soleimani was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region,” the Defense Department statement said, declaring Soleimani responsible for a series of attacks on U.S.-led coalition bases over the past several months—including one in late December that killed an American contractor. “We know that the intent of this last attack was, in fact, to kill” Americans, Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said at a press conference yesterday morning, noting that about 100 U.S. military personnel were at the attacked compound in December, in addition to about 200 contractors. “Thirty-one rockets aren’t designed as a warning shot.”

That strike prompted U.S. strikes against five targets in Iraq and Syria where an Iranian-backed militia, Kataib Hezbollah, was operating. The leader of that militia, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, who also served as an adviser to Soleimani, was reported killed alongside the Quds Force commander.

To our credit, we on the Right, with one voice, lauded President Obama for the death of Bin Laden. I honestly do not recall a single voice of the mainstream rightwing, in public or private, voicing regret over the end of Bin Laden’s career of evil, nor his departure from this vale of tears to his final reward.

To their discredit, the Morlocks on the Left, who hate America and would say anything to desecrate and disparage us, sided with Soleimani.

The Eloi are the helpless and hapless victims of the Morlocks, and regard their own destroyers as their gurus and moral guides, recites much the same nonsense without understanding it, and may indeed have honest, if craven, weakminded, unmanly, chickenhearted, pusillanimous, mewling, feckless and cowardly concerns about the possible responses from the terror masters.

See, for example, ‘Tehran’ Rose McGowan and the oleaginous, creosote-filled Zeppelin called Michael Moore.

Tehran Rose:

“Dear Iran: The USA has disrespected your country, your flag, your people. 52% of us humbly apologize. We want peace with your nation. We are being held hostage by a terrorist regime. We do not know how to escape. Please do not kill us.”

Oleaginous, creosote-filled Zeppelin:

Hello fellow Americans. Do you know this man? Did you know he was your enemy? What? Never heard of him? By the end of today you will be trained to hate him. You will be glad Trump had him assassinated. You will do as you are told. Get ready to send your sons &daughters off 2 war

(I could not quite make out, but I think the picture beneath of the man we will be brainwashed into hating was of young Mr. Nick Sandmann of Covington Catholic, or perhaps Justice Brett Kavanaugh, or perhaps Richard Jewell, or perhaps the members of the Duke Lacrosse team, or perhaps His Honor judge Roy Moore. Is the chief writer for Minitru actually insolent enough to warn us of the dangers of the Two Minute Hate?)

The Zeppelin vents gas to lose altitude:

I have just sent the Ayatollah of Iran a personal appeal asking him not to respond to our assassination of his top General with violence of any kind, but rather let me & millions of Americans fix this peacefully.

The reader may be wondering why the Right is willing to gave credit where credit is due, and the Left is not?

The difference is this: the Morlock promises one and all that in a world without discrimination, without judgmentalism, without simplistic black-and-white thinking over the intricate complexities of moral issues, that all difference of opinion would be defanged, and become merely expressions of personal preference, therefore not the ground of war, tumult, disagreement, conflict.

Like all Morlock promises, this was not merely a lie, it was an absolute lie: the diametric opposite of the truth.

The world without discrimination is a world without any standard of right or wrong, merely subjective preference, either social preference or individual preference.

In a world without standards, no acts are judged as acts. All acts are judged by the identity of the actor.

In a world without standards, if one is of my tribe, he is excused, no matter what. If he is not of my tribe, he is a stranger, and he is therefore an enemy, no matter what.

In such a world, not only is conflict inevitable, it is universal, continuous, and absolute. No one within the tribe can have any dealings with anyone outside the tribe except the endless and remorseless struggle of savage jungle survival, kill or be killed, without any possibility or parley or quarter.

How can there be parley if no oath is binding, and no word means anything? How can there be compromise, or treaty, or honor, or fair dealing, if any crime or outrage against the enemy is permitted, no blow is foul, no holds are barred; whereas any kin is protected and excused, justified without justification, merely because of his identity?

Any American lady blessed above all women in history with every civil right and legal privilege imaginable, who also enjoys the fame and riches of a successful television career and the adoration of fans, to use her celebrity to laud and mourn the death of a monster whose mission was to field squads of murdering rapist arsonists to commit random and unspeakable atrocities in the name of a misogynistic and racist fascistic theocracy, is an evil beyond mere hypocrisy and beyond mere insanity. Such a woman has departed from the human civilization.

This does not rise to the level of hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is play acting, wearing the outer pretense of virtue while indulging in vice.

This does not rise to the level of barbarism. Barbarism regards any stranger as an enemy, a mere beast, no matter his behavior, and only one’s fellow tribesman is a fellow human being.

But barbarians, even at their worst, have a certain rough innocence about them, since they know no better.

This is worse than that. This is corruption.

This is the behavior of people who once knew the difference between right and wrong, or this fathers did, and now that knowledge is eaten away to nothing.