Priest Denies Communion to BLM
“As a priest in the Church, in good conscience I cannot give Holy Communion to anyone who is a member of a group that has so clearly sold itself to Satan.” — Father Joseph Gleason, Russian Orthodox.
Be ashamed, Catholics. None of ours show such spirit and holiness. At this point, I suggest we compromise on the Filioque controversy, and beg to be taken back into their their fold.
Please click through the link and read the whole thing. The Father lays out the case against Black Lying Marxists (as they should be called) with mental rigor, legal precision, and moral clarity.
From Russian Faith – Christian Renaissance
BLM EXCOMMUNICATED: Priest Denies Communion to All Members of Black Lives Matter
“As a priest in the Orthodox Church, it is my duty to ban members of Black Lives Matter from receiving Communion. I will not desecrate the precious Body and Blood of Christ, by allowing it to touch the unclean lips of those who are members of that satanic organization. If they want to take communion, they will have to find some other church.”
“Members of Black Lives Matter need to get on their knees, and ask forgiveness for their participation in this godless movement.
“Black Lives Matter is a terrorist, Marxist organization which promotes abortion and homosexuality. This wicked group was founded by lesbian feminists, and has received tens of millions of dollars in funding from the atheist George Soros.
“To support Black Lives Matter is to turn away from Christ, and rejection of Christ makes a person unworthy to take Holy Communion.
“Therefore, as a priest in the Orthodox Church, it is my duty to ban all members of Black Lives Matter from receiving Communion. I will not desecrate the precious Body and Blood of Christ, by allowing it to touch the unclean lips of those who are members of that satanic organization.
“If you are willing to renounce that organization, and to cancel your membership in that group, then you can come to confession. You can be absolved of the sin you committed by joining Black Lives Matter. After that, you can take Holy Communion. After — not before. Until you demonstrate repentance, you will not receive the Eucharist.
“Black Lives Matter is rotten to the core, and has been since the moment it began. This can be demonstrated by considering the founders of the movement, the activities of the organization, and the published statements on the group’s website.”
The Father then goes on to quote their own words, showing their animadversion to the family, to normalcy, to liberty, to the West, to the Church, and on and on.