Best of Planetary!
Hey, all! Jagi, here.
You may remember the Planetary anthologies that came out a few years back. While those anthologies are no longer available, a new Best of Planetary has been compiled. It features two of the best stories from each planet, and the planet Mercury belongs entirely to John and I.
So if you have not read John’s crazy time travel story about a young woman who has forgotten where she left the memory eraser helmet or my tale of how Erasmus Prospero came to know Tristmagistis (a.k.a. the god Mercury), now you can!
Buy Best of the Planetary Anthology Series today!
Lots of other excellent authors here, too. Here is the lineup!
Sundown And Out (David Hallquist)
Let The Dead Bury Their Dead (Caroline Furlong)
The Mirror of Circe (John C. Wright)
The Element of Transformation (L. Jagi Lamplighter)
The Fox’s Fire (Danielle Ackley-McPhail)
The Rocket Raising (Frederik Gero Heimbach)
We’ll Always Have Earth (Bokerah Brumley)
Extinction Point (Richard Paolinelli)
Luna Sea (Jody Lynn Nye)
Samaritan (Karl K. Gallagher)
Human, Martian—One, Two, Three (Kevin J. Anderson)
The Clockwork King of Mars (C.T. Phipps)
Sunward (Jeb Kinnison)
Freeze (Jane Lebak)
The Clockwork Copper and the Priestess of Mystery (J.M. Anjewierden)
Doing My Job (Dana Bell)
Room to Breathe (Marina Fontaine)
Muddification (Clint Hale)
The Dogfisherman (Edward Ahern)
The Lost Wind (David Breitenbeck)
The Heart of Pluto (Christine Chase)
A Brush (J.D. Arguelles)