MARS OR BUST! or, Not Tired of Winning Yet CLXXII

This is the future I was promised as a child.

Absolutely gargantuan. Towering almost 400 feet, the first stage alone is 240 foot tall. This is by far the most powerful rocket ever built, dwarfing even the mighty Saturn V.

Had I written this in a science fiction story, even ANALOG magazine would have scoffed. Who launches a heavy booster and catches it again with Mechagodzilla-sized chopsticks?

Because of Musk’s political support for a politician who would prevent government from stopping such efforts, the current regime has overloaded the efforts with bureaucratic red tape, in an effort to stop this effort.

Because Elon has joined MAGA, and because this is a triumph of the American spirit over the vampiric, dream-killing, progress-reversing, envy-riddled spirit of the Anti-America, i.e. Progressivism, I am listing this as NOT TIRED OF WINNING in my column.