Forgotten Causes, 01 Secure Mission Posture
Note that this tale first appeared in Absolute Magnitude #16, Summer (2001) and was reprinted in Breach the Hull, ed. Mike McPhail, Marietta Publishing (October, 2007).
It is reprinted in ALL MEN DREAM OF EARTHWOMEN AND OTHER AEONS, and made available here in preview, as a courtesy to my readers.
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Forgotten Causes, 01 Secure Mission Posture, is now posted.
Before I forget: This is not my after-action report. I’ll do that after I kill myself again, and turn into him. If he is still me, he can put it into proper context.
But in case he is not me, I wanted a brain-record of my raw impressions of how the cluster-foxtrot went down, from my point of view. This me, I mean.
Broken into several entries.