Climate Claims

It is left to Stephen Crowder, the potty-mouthed comedian, to list failed climate predictions, with links to each source. His citations are as thorough as a paralegal footnoting a legal brief. Below please find an excerpt of the show notes  for his 9th November 2021 episode

The words below are from Mr. Crowder’s website. 


  • PREDICTION: The US is about to reach peak oil! SOURCE: Gizmodo USClimatescience, CNN
    • TRUTH: In 2018, the United States actually became a net EXPORTER of oil! SOURCE: WSJ
  • UPDATED PREDICTION: We will reach peak oil in 2040! SOURCE: S&PGlobal
  • PREDICTION: In 1967, a dire famine was forecasted to hit by 1975. SOURCES: UN,
    • TRUTH: They predict “dire famines” every year. 2015, 2016, 2017, 2020, etc. SOURCES: UNWaPo , AtlanticEveningStandard
    • TRUTH: The deadliest famine in history was in China from 1959-1961 and had NOTHING to do with climate change. SOURCE: WorldAtlas
  • UPDATED PREDICTION: Also predicted in 2021! OVERLAY UN
  • PREDICTION: In 1969, population biologist Dr. Ehlrich said, in 20 years, everyone would disappear in a cloud of blue steam. SOURCE:  New York Times Archive
    • TRUTH: As far as we know, this did not happen.
  • UPDATED PREDICTION: This one’s pretty tough to find a comparable prediction, but a report produced ahead of the Glasgow Summit claims 10M people will die by 2030. SOURCE: SkyNews
  • PREDICTION: In 1970, a California Newspaper Redlands Daily predicted there would be food rationing in 1964 and water rationing by 1980.
  • UPDATED PREDICTION: By 2035, 60% of our meat will be lab-grown! SOURCE:
  • In 1970, they claimed there would be an Ice Age by 2000. Contrary to what people tell you today, this was not an outlier. This was the widely accepted “science” and reporting of the day. SOURCES: YouTubeWaPoWhiteHouseGuardianTime
    • TRUTH: No Ice Age in 2000–it was the 14th warmest year on record. SOURCE:
  • UPDATED PREDICTION: A “mini Ice Age” could hit earth by 2030! SOURCE: ScienceNatures
  • In 1970, Life magazine claimed people would have to wear gas masks for pollution by 1985! SOURCE: AEI
    • TRUTH: Not unless you’re in Peking, and even so, people wear surgical masks.
  • UPDATED PREDICTION: Covid masks will cause record levels of waste in the oceans! SOURCE: WorldEconomicForum
  • In 1989, it was claimed that rising sea levels would drown countries by 2000!
    • TRUTH: Have any countries drowned?
  • UPDATED PREDICTION: Florida will be drowned by 2060! SOURCE: TheGuardian
  • PREDICTION: In 1988, Bob Reis predicted Lower Manhattan would be underwater by 2018. SOURCE: SalonArchive
    • TRUTH: Yes, but not for reasons they thought… SOURCE: NYPost
  • UPDATED PREDICTION: NYC will be underwater by 2050! SOURCE:
  • PREDICTION: IN 1988, officials claimed that the Maldives would be underwater in the next 30 years. SOURCE: AgenceFrancePresse
  • UPDATED PREDICTION: The Maldives could disappear by the end of the century. SOURCE: CNBC
  • PREDICTION: In 2000, children won’t know what snow is by 2020! SOURCE: IndependentArchive
    • TRUTH: Do your children know what snow is?
  • UPDATED PREDICTION: In 2040, the UK won’t have snow anymore! SOURCE: NatureWorldNews
  • PREDICTION: In 2004, a Pentagon report warned the UK climate would be like Siberia by 2020! OVERLAY TheGuardian
    • TRUTH: In 2020, the UK’s climate included record-breaking rainfall, record dry and sunny periods, and a summer heatwave. SOURCE: CarbonBrief
  • UPDATED PREDICTION: 10 areas of the UK could be underwater by 2050 because of rising sea levels! SOURCE: CountryLiving
  • PREDICTION: In 2009, Al Gore said there would be no more ice in the Arctic by 2013! SOURCES: YouTube
    • TRUTH: In 2013, Arctic ice measured 2.25 million square miles Compared to 2012, 1.67 million square miles. SOURCE:
  • UPDATED PREDICTION: Arctic sea ice could be gone by 2035! SOURCE: NationalGeographic
  • PREDICTION: The polar bear species is headed for extinction! Originally thought to have evolved away from brown bears around 100,000 years ago with the last ice age. SOURCES: YouTubeBBC
    • TRUTH: More recently, it was found that the species has existed for 500,000+ years. SOURCE: PNAS
    • TRUTH: There have been FOUR warmer-than-now cycles since the species appeared, and each cycle takes about 100,000 years. SOURCE: Copernicus
  • PREDICTION: Wasting starfish is caused by Climate Change. As recently as this year, and going back to 2013, the die-off was attributed to climate change by outlets like New York Times and The Independent. SOURCES: YouTubeNYTimesIndependent NPRThe Bulletin
    • TRUTH: However, actual empiricists a Cornell traced the smoking gun to be densovirus in 2014. YouTube
  • PREDICTION: The Great Lakes are going to disappear! SOURCES: GreatLakesGuideMentalFlossClimateScienceNews
    • TRUTH: Great Lakes have historically BENEFITED from Climate Change, with “Improved soil moisture, record crop production, and modestly but beneficially warmer temperatures despite alarmist claims from global warming activists.” SOURCE: Forbes
    • TRUTH: Climate change fear mongering has only hurt these states’ economies by forcing them to plan for more erosion, less underpass room for waterway bridges, xpensive dredging of harbors, city engineering, private businesses adjust models based on projections of shorefront, water cleanliness etc., and predicted fluctuations in farming and crop yields. SOURCES: HuffPoMichigan LiveFarmTarioMichigan Live

***   ***   ***

My comment: 

My people who dwell among the Appalachian hill country, we have a saying: fool me once, shame on me; fool me twice, I must be pretty gullible; fool me a dozen times, I may be suffering a mental illness; fool me a score of times, I am not a sapient life form; fool me a hundred times in a row, without your once ever being remotely right about anything, being neither correct in your methods nor honest in your reporting, and if I still believe you, clearly my brain was long ago removed by the Living Fungi of Yuggoth and transported across kalpas of time and dizzying abysses of impious space to the exodimensional and ultramundane nightmare-realms beyond the bounds of ordered space and time, regions of screaming from which no sane traveler returns. Cthulhu fhtagn! Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah-nagl fhtagn!

I should perhaps mention that my people who dwell among the Appalachian hill country are great fans of H.P. Lovecraft. 

If your time permits, please read Julian Simon’s book THE ULTIMATE RESOURCE, which is a rebuke and a rebuttal to Paul Ehrlich’s  THE POPULATION BOMB, containing predictions of which none have been more thoroughly discredited by time, yet still thoroughly believed and promoted as gospel by its eco-cultist adherents.

With no sense whatsoever of irony or self-reflection, eco-cultists can write words like these. I kid you not. 

The Population Bomb, written … in 1968, predicted “hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death” in the 1970s – a fate that was avoided by the green revolution in intensive agriculture.

The inventiveness of mankind, to which the title of Julian Simon’s book refers, allows for technical improvements in areas where need is felt. So Erlich’s prophecy would have been true … had not Julian Simon’s been true instead. 

Ehrlich  fhtagn! Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Ehrlich  R’lyeh wgah-nagl fhtagn!

You may ask: how long before these gulls realized they’ve been gulled, and wake up? Answer: you cannot wake a man only pretending to sleep.

Greenmarx is a cult. The advocates know it has no basis in fact, and do not care.