Ken Paxton on Election Fraud

Sadly many honest men, including those reasonably well informed, remain in doubt about the reality of the notorious election fraud of 2020, despite the evidence being abundant, if not pellucid, and the insolent vaunting uttered by the perpetrators.

Here is a speech explaining the matter as clearly as any I have seen.

Please note the innate difficulty of proving fraud once safeguards to prevent fraud are removed, considering that ballots are secret.

The available evidence consists of (1) the mathematical improbability of the trailing candidate receiving votes without downballot votes, with no contrary votes, all within the same hour, all while the official vote counts were suspended, and no observers present; (2) the mathematical impossibility of counting more ballots than voters on the voter rolls, or getting a higher than 100% turnout rate; (3) ballots without proof of chain of custody; (4) eyewitness testimony of fraudulent ballots run through counting machines repeatedly; (5) ballots without signature matches, or no mark of having been folded or sent through the mail; (6) the sheer unlikeliness of a non-entity like Biden receiving the most votes in history, when he did not campaign, held empty rallies, and apparently did not win the Democrat Party primary; (7) the well established insecurity of the voting machines, which were connected to the internet, and never audited completely. Even the famous audit of Maricopa County was marred by blatant, and blatantly illegal, non-production of evidence under subpoena.

As confirmatory evidence, the reaction of the guilty lends weight to the accusation, even if not dispositive. We can note the absurd degree of resistance and counter-accusation from parties who, a mere one campaign season earlier, admitted the voting machines were insecure, and held it to be legitimate to question the validity of elections.

The establishment staged a false flag insurrection, for goodness sake, merely to interrupt the attempt by Senator Cruz and others to call for validating the Electoral College votes before certifying them: that was the meaning of the January 6th kerfuffle. The demonization and political persecution of lawful and peaceful protestors, bringing in the national guard, and fencing off the inauguration were side matters, meant to overawe a nation perfectly well aware the the election had been stolen.