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The Golden Transcendence 12: The Falsehoods

Posted March 19, 2025 By John C Wright

From THE GOLDEN TRANSCENDENCE, vol. III of my debut trilogy.

In the far future, the Golden Oecumene has elevated the immortals of the solar system to untrammeled triumphs of abundance, liberty, and splendor. But, hidden by masquerade, a sinister threat arises from the dark star Cygnus X1, man’s sole exosolar colony, the long-lost Silent Oecumene.

Phaethon of Rhadamanth, bedeviled and beguiled by agents of the Lords of the Silent Oecumene, returns from exile to confront them. He must battle them in the core of the Sun, the core of his mind and memory, and at the apex of all abstraction, when the Golden Transcendence gathers all minds in the solar system into one communion, and all truths are laid bare.

The Golden Transcendence Ep. 12: The Falsehoods

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Not Tired of Winning Yet CCIII

Posted February 3, 2025 By John C Wright
  • Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum folds, says she agreed to send 10,000 troops to the U.S. border after a phonecall with President Trump.
  • Mexico just arrested El Ricky, a top leader of Cartel del Noreste, right after Trump pressured them to crack down on cartels.
  • Now that Trump is in office and the charade is over, Zelensky admits he did not receive over $100 billion of our tax dollars. The money was laundered.
  • Panama announced that their nation won’t renew their “Belt and Road Initiative” agreement with China, and will allow free passage for US vessels through the Panama canal.
  • USAID to be shut down. All staff got pink slips.
    This is a $48.3 billion —billion with a B — dollar slush fund  and money-laundering scheme for the Deep State of your hard earned tax dollars, which goes to the Clinton Foundation (which may be involved in pedosex-slavery traffic); to Alexander Vindman (remember him? who tried to overthrow a sitting president, gave false testimony to Congress);  Bill Kristol (the Nevertrumper); and any number of rebellions and coups around the planet organized by the CIA. The corrupt organization is ended.
  • Trump announces the US will be withdrawing from the UN Human Rights Council and stop UNRWA funding. UNWRA supports HAMAS with our taxpayer dollars. The UN Human Rights Council demonizes Israel while glorifying barbaric Sharia theocracies. (Or, since Allah is a demon, the form of government should perhaps be called diabolocracy)

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Not Tired of Winning Yet CXCIV

Posted January 24, 2025 By John C Wright
  • President Donald Trump pardoned 23 pro-life advocates, including Catholic priest Fr. Fidelis Moscinski, who were unjustly prosecuted, convicted, and in several cases, imprisoned, by Biden’s Department of Justice.
  • The Episcopal Archdiocese of Washington has removed Bishop [sic]  Mariann Budd from the National Cathedral. If you do not recognize this name, she was the priestess who preached her secular deathcult religion from the pulpit of Christ to browbeat a sitting president. Our version of Puzzle the Ape.
  • Construction has already begun on the wall in El Paso.
  • Military recruitment numbers have skyrocketed ever since the election.
  • The tiebreaker vote by JD Vance has confirmed Pete H.egseth as Secretary of defense.

Not Tired of Winning Yet CLXXXI

Posted November 27, 2024 By John C Wright

President Trump just confirmed that the United States has successfully negotiated a ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah.

Trump is not even in the White House.


Affirmative Racism

Posted September 19, 2024 By John C Wright

The Left continues to gaslight the unwary with the claim that systemic racism exists in the United States.

In reality the United States is the least racist nation in all of human history, and the only nation who ever sacrificed the sons of one race in war to free the sons of another race. (N.B.: The British actions against the Near East and Far East to extinguish the international slave trade were no less noble and brave, but did not rise to the level of open war.)

Racism properly so called is the political philosophy holding one race innately and irredeemably inferior to another, so that laws and customs promoting the humiliation, subjugation, slavery or extermination of that race are permitted, perhaps obligatory.

Does racism still exist in America?

To answer, we need but observe three points.

(1) The supply is insufficient for the demand. There is not enough racism in America to support the Race-hustle Industry.

Because of the lack of real racism, innocent and ordinary activities, such as hiring men on the basis of merit, which inevitably must lead to a numerical disparity in any field, will be condemned as racist. (Unless the field is athletics, where a racial disparity favoring the black race over the whites or yellows is unadmitted and unnoticed.)

Because of the lack of real racism, it must be manufactured. Each and every race-hate crime reported in the national news in a decade has been a hoax. See for example, Jussie Smollett, Covington Catholic, the Duke lacrosse team, plus a dozen or so “noose” hoaxes, starting with Bubba Wallace, and, most famous of all, the overdose of George Floyd.

(2) If institutions, such as colleges, allow one race to have rooms, dormitories, associations, cafeterias, fraternities, graduation ceremonies, and so on, segregated to exclude another race, but this second race may not even ask for the same privilege, the race allowed to segregate the other is the privileged race.

(3) In culture where one race is privileged over another, members of the under-privileged race will attempt to pass for members of the privileged race, in order to avail themselves of the privileges thereof.

On this point, one can determine which race is privileged by seeing who is attempting to pass for whom. See, for example, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Rachel Dolezal.

If a mulatto attempts to pass as White, it is because he perceives Whiteness to afford him some privilege or advantage. If he attempts to pass as Black, it is because he perceives privilege or advantage to rest with that race. See, for example, one Barry Soetoro, later Barack Hussein Obama.

Laws and customs meant to establish the inferiority of one race to another do exist, albeit at the moment only to the degree of humiliating that race, and awarding special privileges to another in terms of academic admission, hiring quotas, and government contract preferences.

One race is allowed to express race pride, but another is not, nor can they form clubs, groups, or associations meant to promote and protect their race.

For example, there is no Nation Association for the Advancement of Uncolored People.

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The Golden Age Ep. 43 The Consulting Detective

Posted February 14, 2024 By John C Wright

Excerpts from THE GOLDEN AGE, my debut novel from 2001. 

In the far future, where humans have become as gods, living lives of perfect peace and prosperity, Phaethon of Rhadamanthus House discovers centuries of his memory are lost. Like his namesake, has flown too high, and must be cast down: for he has committed the one act the Golden Age forbids, to have ambitions higher than utopia can contain. Now his quest is to find himself.

Episode 43: The Consulting Detective

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Hoax List

Posted February 4, 2024 By John C Wright

I have maintained a list under the tag “Not Tired of Winning Yet” showing the various campaign promises by Trump made and kept. But I did not keep a list of the various lies, hoaxes, prevarications and gaslighting absurdities perpetrated by the mainstream Project Mockingbird assets known as the Fake News, but by the Men of the West called The Mouth of Sauron.

Fortunately, John Nolte of Breitbart has done my work for me:



A Question about 2020 Vote Count

Posted February 2, 2024 By John C Wright

Let me ask a question. I have asked several people in various fields, and no one has an answer. 

When the vote count was halted at 3.00 in the morning, PA Trump was up by 682K votes (15.2%); GA 311K (7.5%); MI 207K (9.8%); and WI 128K (4.9%). These are healthy margins. 

Per Politico, Biden allegedly won PA by 2%; GA by 0.2%; MI by 3%; WI by 1%.

These were the only jurisdictions where the vote count was halted. By 7.00 AM next day, five hours later, he had lost all those states.

Leave aside the statistical absurdity involved. My question is this:

  1. Who ordered the vote count halted?
    And let us have the names, please not merely some airy speculation that it was the officers in charge of voting.
  2. By what legal authority?
    I am an attorney, my wife has worked as a poll worker and supervisor in Virginia elections. No one can quote me a statute or regulation which permits this.
  3. On what grounds?
    If the vote count was halted in these jurisdictions, and no others, there should be a stated reason for the halt, something true in these places, no where else.
  4. And why does not one news outlet investigate the answer to this question? Not one?
    I used to work as a newspaperman. It should not be a hard story to cover. But no one is.

The Golden Age Ep. 33: Xenophon

Posted November 22, 2023 By John C Wright

Excerpts from THE GOLDEN AGE, my debut novel from 2001. 

In the far future, where humans have become as gods, living lives of perfect peace and prosperity, Phaethon of Rhadamanthus House discovers centuries of his memory are lost. Like his namesake, has flown too high, and must be cast down: for he has committed the one act the Golden Age forbids, to have ambitions higher than utopia can contain. Now his quest is to find himself.

Episode 33: Xenophon


Long Lost Lyrics

Posted August 7, 2023 By John C Wright

While listening to EWTN Catholic radio on Sunday, I came across this unexpected little bit of Americana. There is a theme song, famous in my generation, that anyone with a black and white TV would have recognized, but no one would have known the lyrics, or even that it had lyrics.

Namely the theme to the ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW, was called “The Fishing Hole”

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Posted July 26, 2023 By John C Wright

This week’s must-read article is from John Carter of Barsoom:


There’s a misconception out there that the source of the ruling class’ legitimacy is the consent of the governed. … Others would say that it is ultimately money that is the source of power…. The ruling class ultimately derives its assumed right to rule from the prestige of academic institutions.

The idea is that the smartest kids are admitted to the best schools, where they’re taught by the top minds in the sciences, philosophy, law, medicine, and the arts. They therefore possess both the highest degree of natural aptitude, and have been provided with the best possible training, meaning that they are naturally the most suited to take society’s reins.

What universities really sell isn’t an education: it’s the credential.

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Review of the Movie We’ve All Been Waiting For

Posted July 18, 2023 By John C Wright

At a reader’s request, scifiwright is honored to reprint this film review from a nearby parallel universe perhaps more fortunate than our own. 


Like many people, when I heard the news that the Disney corporation had purchased the rights to make Star Wars sequels, I feared they might gut the heart of the series, fumble even basic storytelling principles, and insult the viewers with Mary Sue heroines, diversity hire characters, tangled yet aimless  plots, deconstruction and desecration of the original fan-favorite heroes, all topped off with heavy-handed political posturing crammed down the throat of the audience, mangling and mutating the most beloved franchise in movie history into an putrid and unsightly sewer fire.

I am glad to report that I need not have fretted. Two films of the new trilogy are out, and the filmmakers avoided all these pitfalls and pratfalls.

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Posted July 18, 2023 By John C Wright

For those of you waiting for STARQUEST, my space-pirate mystic-wizard ghost-haunted pulp series, I am in chapter five Flight of the Pirate Planetoid of volume eight, SINISTER SYNDICATE OF SPACE.

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Kavanuagh Accuser Admits She Lied

Posted February 20, 2023 By John C Wright

In case you did not see this story. I suspect the mainstream media will not carry it.

Kavanuagh Rape Accuser Confesses She Lied, Was Never Raped, Never Even Met The Man

Read here:




Another Word on Wordle

Posted February 3, 2023 By John C Wright

In an earlier post, I wrote of my delight with the word-game called Wordle, which is daily published on the website of the New York Times (https://www.nytimes.com/games/wordle/index.html). The game is to guess the secret word. It allows six guesses of five letter words, and flags any correctly guessed letter, and flags whether the position is correct.

Several factors to weigh when making guesses are, first, to eliminate as many letters as possible, and, second, to eliminate more frequent letters first.

Eliminating the frequently appearing letters first narrows the possibilities swiftly enough to allow remaining guesses to eliminate anagrams.

Nothing is more frustrating than knowing all the letters of the secret word, but lacking position clues to know whether it is UPSET rather than SETUP, SPOON rather than SNOOP, or UNLIT rather than UNTIL.

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