Crowing Archive


Posted December 16, 2019 By John C Wright

My nonfiction essay collection, From Barsoom to Malacandra, has garnered its first reader review, which is a five star. (This is not a review written by my mother, because she does not read my books.)

John C. Wright is a master of science fiction. No one can tell a fantasy or space opera as well. This series of musings on what makes good or great work is insightful, unique and interesting. His essay on the new star wars is worth the price of the book all by itself. All fans of the genre should read this book.

I am humbled by this high praise, and hope all my readers will take it to heart.

A word of warning: all this material, in one form or another, was previously published here on my blog, and hence is no longer available.  Longtime readers may have read the essays before.  On the other hand, if you want a permanent copy in case of an anti-Conservative purge on WordPress, act now.

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Kako Zgraditi Hišico na Drevesu by John C. Wright

Posted October 15, 2018 By John C Wright

For those of you interesting in reading my work in Slovenian, here is a link to a translation of my micro-flash fic ‘How to Build a Treehouse’ translated by Ivan Šokić. Mr. Šokić volunteered his services free of charge, just out of a shared love of the genre.

Here it is:


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Message from Larry Corriea

Posted October 1, 2018 By John C Wright

I am happy to boast that I am one of the authors Mr Correia lauds below.

The Monster Hunter Files anthology is now available in paperback!

The Monster Hunter Files are a collection of stories by a whole bunch of really amazing authors, set in the Monster Hunter universe.  I think we got something like nine New York Times bestsellers in here.

There are stories from Jim Butcher, Faith Hunter, Jonathan Maberry, Jody Lynn Nye, John Ringo, Sarah Hoyt, Mike Kupari, Jessica Day George, John C. Wright, Maurice Broaddus, Brad Torgersen, Quincy Allen, Alex Shvartsman, Kim May, Steve Diamond, Julie Frost, Bryan Thomas Schmidt, and me.

I’m biased, but I think it is awesome. ?  Check it out!

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Megan Fox interviews John C Wright

Posted August 29, 2018 By John C Wright

Max Kolbe is on sabbatical, so there is no Red Pill Religion for this week, but I had the rare pleasure of being interviewed by Megan Fox for her podcast. You may hear my dulcet tones bloviating, pontificating, objurgating and rudely interrupting my fair hostess here:


She asks me about my conversion story, a topic I forever delight to dwell upon, and my opinions of the most recent scandal to wound the Church, a topic that provokes disgust and pity, outrage and horror, in all men of good will who hear of it.

In any case, as you can imagine, I was honored to speak with the famous Megan Fox.

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Posted July 10, 2018 By John C Wright

For some reason, my erratic spam filter flagged what is one of the finest compliments any reader has every given my writing. Because this comment did not appear at first, I want to turn the spotlight on it.

The reader is kind enough to mention a specific element of my writing, something I took pains to do carefully, but with no thought that anyone but the muse and myself would ever notice or care. One reader, at least, noticed.

This is from a comment by a reader with the stellar yet batrachian name of Astrofrog:

Another aspect that I would like to personally thank you for is your use of actual astrophysical wonders as the settings. So much of science fiction merely places the action around some boring G-type star, or perhaps a red dwarf, as such stars are hosts to exoplanets and it is, I suspect, difficult for most writers to envision a reason beyond tourism or a scientific expedition for a journey to an O-type binary, a Wolf-Rayet star, an AGB star, a Herbig Haro object, or the like. Having a keen interest in these phenomena, the question of how to bring awareness of them to the wider human community – for communication of scientific discoveries to the interested lay populace is one of the many functions of science fiction – has long troubled me. You did so with aplomb.

Thank you very much. I am touched. Read the remainder of this entry »

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Posted July 5, 2018 By John C Wright

I am very pleased to announce that the climax and final volume of my SUPERLUMINARY trilogy is now on sale:



Editor’s book description below:

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Posted June 12, 2018 By John C Wright

Superluminary: the Space Vampires 

The testimony of another satisfied customer:

Just when I think John Wright cannot get better, cannot top or even match what he’s done before he goes and blows it all out of the water. The sheer scope and imagination in his latest is stunning. His imagination is bigger than Dyson or  Niven. A big sphere a hula hoop in space? Try Saturn with many multiple of human worlds nested inside each layer of atmosphere like a Russian doll with more living room than I have ever heard of anyone dreaming.

When I read that I was stunned. Huge grandeur like a force of nature an imagination so vast that nothing is beyond the scope of the story. Vast battles over intergalactic distances with battle stars the size of Dyson spheres powered by unholy vampiric overlords. I’ve never read anything like it. I thought, Awake in the Nightland was the best I had read, beyond any mortal’s ability to imagine and bring to life. I was wrong, Wright tore open whole new vistas in my mind. What’s more he somehow managed to keep me connected with the uncounted trillions of people on Saturn even though the numbers defy description much less comprehension. 

He’s the best there is and keeps getting better.

Superluminary: the Space Vampires 

 And while we are at it, here is another:

If you know your classical SciFi and loved the family politics of Nine Princes in Amber, the weird super science of The World of Null-A, the immense galactic war of the Lensmen series, then you need to buy and read this book right away. It will take you back to the old days. If you don’t know what those books are, then you need to read this book right away and find out what really spectacular science fiction really looks like.

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Superluminary: The Space Vampires

Posted June 4, 2018 By John C Wright

My latest and greatest is out today. I dearly enjoyed writing this one. Regular readers of my blog will recognize it, since I posted a copy many a moon ago:

Superluminary: the Space Vampires 

The Lords of Creation have learned that although they rule the solar system with their god-like scientific knowledge, there are even more powerful forces to be feared lurking out in the dark depths of space.

The vampiric necroforms are a massive empire of anti-life, terrible beyond all imagining, ruling a vast network of dead stars and planets they have drained of all life. And at last they have come to the Nine Worlds, seeking to destroy the last refuge of living things to be found in all the dying universe. But how can the Lords of Creation even hope to stop the nightmarish undead monstrosities when they are bitterly divided by pride, jealousy, and mutual suspicion?

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The Lament of Prometheus

Posted May 22, 2018 By John C Wright

Voyage to Arcturus by David Lindsay, first published in 1920, is a book that has always fascinated me. It is a story of a magnificent failure.

I am not the only one fascinated by this blasphemous book. C.S. Lewis, and Colin Wilson were likewise, as you can tell from their own works, as was Michael Moorcock. Harold Bloom, the famous critic,  in his sole attempt at fiction writing penned a sequel or re-imagining called Flight to Lucifer (which he since denounced).

Colin Wilson declares it to be the “greatest novel of the twentieth century”, and C.S. Lewis says it is the book that inspired him to write science fiction:

“From Lindsay I first learned what other planets in fiction are really good for: for spiritual adventures. Only they can satisfy the craving which sends our imaginations off the earth.”

It is the tale of a Englishman named Maskull, an everyman figure, transported via the occult means of backward light-rays to the giant planet Tormance circling the double star Arcturus, seeking a godlike but hidden figure named Surtur, who may be the devil, or the divine fire hidden in every man.

Even to this day, I hold it up as the most imaginative work in science fiction or fantasy, describing things that are literally unimaginable, such as a third positive sex for mankind, aside from male and female, or two new primary colors of a second spectrum.

As a child, I was delighted in the sheer weirdness of the conceit; as a youth I wondered about the symbolism and philosophy; as an adult, for better or worse, I see clearly the impious and morbid message hidden at the heart of this Gnostic allegory.

I have written a whole novel-length book on the subject of Lindsay’s Voyage to Arcturus, it magnificence, and its failure, which explores the themes and symbolism of this forgotten masterpiece. Read the remainder of this entry »

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Starquest: Dark Suns Rising (Part 3)

Posted May 4, 2018 By John C Wright

Requests have come from more than one quarter to turn the imaginary movie review I recently wrote of a non-existent STAR WARS sequel into a real novel. If good fortune favors the project, and it does well, I will be happy to sell the movie rights, bringing the irony full circle.

As a very premature sneak peek — since the manuscript is not yet written, much less sold, edited, and published — I here give the third installment. The first is here.  The second is here. Read the remainder of this entry »

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Starquest: Dark Suns Rising (Part 2)

Posted April 25, 2018 By John C Wright

Requests have come from more than one quarter to turn the imaginary movie review I recently wrote of a non-existent STAR WARS sequel into a real novel. If good fortune favors the project, and it does well, I will be happy to sell the movie rights, bringing the irony full circle.

As a very premature sneak peek — since the manuscript is not yet written, much less sold, edited, and published — I here give the second installment of the opening scene. The first is here.  

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Starquest: Dark Suns Rising

Posted April 17, 2018 By John C Wright

Requests have come from more than one quarter to turn the imaginary movie review I recently wrote of a non-existent STAR WARS sequel into a real novel. If good fortune favors the project, and it does well, I will be happy to sell the movie rights, bringing the irony full circle.

As a very premature sneak peek — since the manuscript is not yet written, much less sold, edited, and published — I will over over the next two or three weeks the opening scene or two, just to give one and all the flavor of things to come.  Read the remainder of this entry »

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Judgement Eve

Posted April 10, 2018 By John C Wright

The esteemed Jonathan Strahan, whom, at one time, it had been my pleasure and honor to work on several projects, has recently published an audio version of an anthology from 2011, part of his 3-book ‘Infinity Project’ series


I am pretty sure it is the only time I appear between the same covers as Stephen Baxter, Greg Bear, Peter Watts and Charles Stross, who each made quite a name for himself as part of the mind-expanding hard SF movement that dominated the field back in the Mid-Nineties to the Naughts.  Read the remainder of this entry »

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Last Guardian of Everness

Posted March 27, 2018 By John C Wright


Any of my readers interested in my earlier work, allow me to invite you to look at my earliest.

This is my first novel written, albeit not the first published (2005). Here is the cover art by Justin Sweet, untrammeled by the title and author’s name. I wanted to show it off because I think it is a remarkable work:


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Planetary: Mercury

Posted March 20, 2018 By John C Wright

In the Palace of Promised Immortality is a time-travel novella taking place on the planet Mercury, after, during and before the pregnancy, wedding night and birthday of Circe, the solitary time lady.

The story has the privilege of appearing in the PLANETARY ANTHOLOGY: MERCURY published by Superversive Press:

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